
My bad, I saw the Canada remark, but it's not like there are no Americans living in Canada, come on, I just figured you were only living there… To be fair I don't know how everything goes down in Canada, but I lived in the US during the election, and boy o boy, what a nightmare… People were at each others throat like

Being aware of your own cultural blind-spots certainly is important, and it comes in no small part with downplaying patriotism, which imo is a Cancer in the US. I'm not sure if you saying that I'm not aware, but I am perfectly aware of the cultural blind-spots of the country I now live in (France), hell, I get

If you don't think that there is an excessive PC-Police in the US then you probably didn't travel much, because this doesn't exist in any other country in the world as far as I know. It vastly contributes to the death of social dialogue, which is crippling your country and helping out horrible people like Trump.

My point was that racial relations aren't the same everywhere than in the US, not that "my black friends let me do this". I certainly would never use the N-word in the US or on the Internet.

""Monkey chants at African footballers on a regular basis" sounds unbelievably bigoted." Yeah, lol, I can't deny that, but to be fair it's not really on a regular basis. Plus, it's usually only in Italy, where people are somewhat more bigoted for some reason.
Also, that Redskins issue seems to be just another example

Less bigoted doesn't mean not bigoted at all, obviously… In general I would say that we are less bigoted, Yes, extremists like Trump and all your insane southern nut-jobs are way less prevalent, and win way less elections

I have never used the N-word, but I often used an equivalent of it when I lived in Ethiopia and jested with my African friends…

And what do you make of the fact that racism, bigotry and leftist infighting has only increased since the left adopted the PC-Police? (I hate to use this rightist term, but for lack of a better expression indulge me) You really think that this is an effective strategy to fight for your beliefs and stop bigotry?

Really, so you would say that the left is a big united front that fights the actual damaging enemy, the Republicans? Please, if you believe that you're blind, just look at the Bernie vs Hillary debacle…

Here in Europe we don't have this excessive PC police and I would certainly say that in general we are less bigoted and racist than the US, plus we have been fighting of the right-wing nutjobs during our elections… And that despite the constant terror threat, which would have made Trump win by like 70% if it happened

Given that the left has been extremely divided for a long time now, not in small part because of our obsession with "purity", I don't think that's unrelated. Just look at what the opposition says, not only are they all a united front but they are using this leftist problem to gain even more followers

Obviously these all played a big part, I'm not denying that your country is still amazingly backwards on many issues… However, I did look at what his voters (and non-voters who were just fed up with it all) say, and their problem with the leftist PC-police comes up way more often than their racist beliefs. Granted,

Really? Please, actual racists don't give a fuck if they are scolded for their beliefs… However, the "purity-police" largely contributed to Trump being elected, and if you don't believe me just go look at what Trump voters (or non-voters) are saying

Ok, I have no idea about that particular part of Maher, but obviously if true that does actual damage to people and he should be vilely condemned for that

As an European I don't pretend to know the implications and severe ramifications of the N-word in the US, and I certainly don't condone using it, and it certainly should be criticized, but this just feels like yet another instance of the left eating itself. I mean, even as a black person, don't you think that

Maher said it best in the past, "While you were word-policing the Kids Choice Awards, a mad man talked his way into the White House"

You can not like this guy, or even hate his smug and dickish face, but for fuck's sake, Democrats have to stop eating their own and attack the real enemy, the Republicans that have been taking over for the past 20 years and making the US and the world a worse place! For fuck's sake, the enemy just pulled you out of

Really? Of course us anonymous lefties on the Internet shit on Trump, but look at what matters, your politicians and the Democratic party. If Hillary would have done even 10% of what Trump did Republicans would have rioted, and look at your docile little Dems just getting fucked while barely scolding the insane person

He's a dick and it's part of his shtick, personally I find it hilarious. Especially since the audience's behavior certainly deserves to be mocked from time to time

Sure, fire one of the most aggressive critics of Trump and the right over a joke that's fairly harmless in context, that will certainly help the ever-loosing left win again to change things for the better