
Same, I'll take my leave… Outraged liberals be more practical for fuck's sake, the greater good of the planet is at stake here, stop being losers! Vote and Unite and Win for a change!

Meanwhile over at the Republican side, everybody is laughing their asses of at the fact that one of their most aggressive and just straight-out savage critics is still being shunned by the left.

If you actually watched the show you'd knew how depressingly ironic this outrage is…

Oh yes, please, the whole left should focus on this new outrage now, not on the fact that the right and the extreme right has been winning and fucking us/you for decades by not giving a shit.

What really hooked me with his art is the panel layout, I haven't seen such inventive and meaningful panel art since Fraction's Hawkeye

No, I've yet to watch it but I'm hesitant because The Last Airbender was such a fantastic story that wrapped up perfectly. Sucks that he wasn't good there, I guess voice-work isn't his thing, but he really is great in that movie, he has a magnetic screen presence

Yeah, I've heard it was an important part of comic-book history because it was a huge success for some reason, but having started reading comics way after it came out it's not like I feel any kind of connection to it because of that. I'll finish it, but after that I don't think I'm ever touching a Kevin Smith comic

I just feel like Bourne had enough motivation and drive as it is, her death always felt gratuitous and on-the-nose to me, I didn't even think about it in terms of the cliche "killing a female" trope. To be fair, it's been a while since I last saw the movies.

I don't know much about her, don't think I've seen her in anything in else, but Yes, I did find her very attractive in Bourne. Her relatively cheap death just to have a blank slate to start again still pisses me of a little

Recent Marvel stories I've loved were the Thor - Godbutcher arc and the Old Man Logan run, I'd check those out. Plus, they are almost entirely stand-alone, so you won't be lost

I'm a sucker for mythology in comics, so first of all Wonder Woman got me invested based on her Amazon warrior background alone. But more importantly she's just a simple yet very engaging characters, in a world full of tortured heroes that can't spend 2 seconds without agonizing over a moral dilemma, it's refreshing

The Old Guards sounds and looks very interesting, can't wait to get caught up on it once the TPB comes out. I've always loved stories focusing on immortality. On that note, I highly recommend the little gem of a movie He never died, it has a fantastic central performance and features one of the most realistic

I mean, I'm guessing writing a good team book is just inherently more difficult since you have to juggle so many characters and story-lines. You can more easily have focused, intimate and personal story-telling when you mainly concentrate on one character.

Really glad that Old Man Logan stuck the landing, having just read the monster-arc I'm a little behind but I can't wait to finish it, it has been a fantastic read that really captures the essence of the Logan character. Plus, that art!

Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 - Recommended by a fellow commenter here, I started this to get into the Conan universe which seemed appealing to me. I'm really liking it, this comic has just the right feel, a cross between mythic fairytale and epic adventure, all while never taking itself too seriously. I'm also a fan of

It'll just feel like 3+ hours to the poor victims attending the screenings

Duh, of course, that's why you cancel a show, but I was wondering why you would wish to cancel more shows… A cancellation is a failure for the network, why would the CEO want that?

Never watched this show, but why would you want to cancel more shows, that's just bizarre

I remember a woman assassin in the comics… I mean, I think she also exhibited her body… but you know, it was for the job. I don't know, sure they are often gratuitously scantily clad or whatever, but I remember just as much strong and developped woman characters in Sin City than men ones. In fact often the women were

I mean, it seems pretty futile, all the comics and the 2 movies are already enough, and I don't see how the TV medium could add anything new. That being said I really do like this stylish, seedy and depressing universe, so I'm at least somewhat curious.
It's like an old-school noir on crack.