
Now that season 8 is over, What are you Top 3 episodes for each season?

Holy shit, now that's how you take advantage of 5 seasons worth of established characters! It's insane how many players were on the board for this finale, and that they managed to use them all effectively!

Let's have a round of applause for motherf*cking Prometheus!
Segarra was truly fantastic and was a big reason for the return to form of Arrow this season, I've rarely seen such a perfectly smug, menacing, unhinged and evil expression. Plus, he actually had a neat little twisted sense of humor which was great, it helped…

This looks neat, the little intro was a fun little touch and the animation looks great, I'm exited to see this, and I don't even care much for the games.

Remember when movie posters were made by artists and not basic photo shop skills? For fuck's sake Marvel, why not just borrow one of your hugely talented comic book artist to make a poster for you?

Hey MANIMAL, are you here? This is the rare AVClub article that's made for you my man!

I know, but all this time Slade has been in a prison of the Arrow universe, whereas Sarah is off time-travelling in another show

So, I guess the military needs some new recruits now that they are increasing the defense budget and looking for a new war to put all that to good use? Ugh

I know it's a bombastic big budget movie, what I meant was that it's a neat basic little story inside of a very intriguing and fantastic looking world

Hhhhhmmmm, call me intrigued at least, Besson isn't half-bad and he knows how to do some nice sci-fi world-building, Fifth Element is a great little movie

Baywatch movie is just as dumb as the show that spawned it. In other news, Trump is still President and chem-trails will turn our frogs gay. We're doomed…DOOOOOOOOOOMED

It was great to see Adrian again! I don't care at all about his relationship with Rosa (and the writers don't either apparently) but I've always really enjoyed his particularly dark brand of humor.

Welcome to the land of snarky nerds

Oh sure, but I meant a supercut of her in action, using her powers and hamming it up, excluding all the dumb scenes that supposedly explain her "motivations"

Anybody up for making a super-cut of all the Killer Frost scenes? At least this way we can salvage something worthwhile out of this mess

Yeah, just for that they have a special place in my heart, Art crawl was THE episode that made me really laugh out loud and realize how good the show could be

Ha! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only f*cking nerd that immediately thought about the comic book character and not the real life patient zero

This looks awesome, I love the design of the Night King. GoT may be a flawed show, but damn if it isn't such fantastic eye-candy, everything from the Dragons to the Giants to the epic battles looks amazing.

Fair enough, but he does look gruff though

I know that and I get it and I'm all for it, but with Holland I don't see how they could ever get to the actual adult Drake because Holland is already an adult and still looks like a boy/teen. I guess the point is moot anyways if the 1st movie isn't a success