Hhhhhmmmm… I mean, on one hand I'm speculating wildly, who knows how he'll end up looking later in life, but he just looks so soft and young, I'll doubt he'll be able to even grow a stubble like the one in your picture for another 10 years, lol
Hhhhhmmmm… I mean, on one hand I'm speculating wildly, who knows how he'll end up looking later in life, but he just looks so soft and young, I'll doubt he'll be able to even grow a stubble like the one in your picture for another 10 years, lol
I get wanting to avoid Indiana Jones comparisons to some extent, but how will you sell your tough adventurous character with baby-faced Holland? Unless they are reinventing the source material or something
I mean, it was hyperbole, but you get the point, even if the franchise is actually successful and there will be sequels until he's actually more grown up I'm pretty sure he will never look the part, he just has one of those baby-faces a la Michael Cera or whoever else. It's not like he is 15 now and still has to go…
Yet another baffling decision by Sony…
Not that I had any hope for yet another video-game adaptation nor that I care for Uncharted, but why would you make a prequel for your manly and gruff Indiana Jones like character starring the most boyish, nerdy and soft- looking young man ever
He didn't even change his leather jacket before beating up the SWAT/Argus squad ffs!
But she's not really in the Arrow story anymore, currently she's… I wanna say stranded in a San Francisco full of dinosaurs?
"I admire you, Oliver. It takes a special kind of idiot to actually get dumber with time"
Sure, Hyde is 100% a disgusting villain in the source material, but we know nothing about this here universe, Jekyll could be an unwanting victim of his split personality, or he could be banished from the group once he turns or whatever, for now I like Crowe as a choice to play Jekyll/Hyde and a supernatural team…
I wish I had your optimism… But you're right, Arrow and especially Legends improved hugely compared to their previous season. I just feel like Flash was a one-trick pony, after S1 they were completely lost
I mean, I'm guessing it's Dr Jekyll and not Mr Hyde that brings them together… Not that I care that much, but in theory I see no reason why it wouldn't work
Eh, I'm fine with that too, Crowe playing a guy with split personality that gets angry and brutish? Seems like a tailor-made role, lol
Eh, these aren't valid excuses for the DCEU…
"Russell Crowe is going to be playing the Nick Fury of this universe"
What are the chances of Flash actually being a good show again?
I feel like the Justice League comics always have slick, great-looking action-packed and dynamic art, but the writing is never quite there. I feel that way for many DC comics now that I think about it
12 years…?
The win at the end made up for it imo, and in general I feel like Bob has scored a few more wins this season thankfully. But Jimmy Pesto is just such a one note character that usually makes us feel bad for Bob… Bob's somewhat irrational rivalry was fun at the beginning but they either need to shake it up now or just…
By themselves they are not really funny, but opposite Bob I find them hilarious
They've got a long-running feud with Bob, it's fair to assume they are somewhat nicer to other customers. Also, it's a cartoon
Is it just me or did Bob and his mustache look fabulous in that pickle costume?
Anyways, another fun and typically weird (literal) ride that got the whole family into some classic shenanigans. For some reason I especially liked that they suddenly ended up in a funeral procession, such a neat little detail.