
Thanks for the recipe, it sounds pretty great, though I'll have to adapt it a bit since I don't much care for mushrooms and asparagus. I can probably substitute that with soybean sprouts and broccoli or something like that right?

One last thing: for fuck's sake ABC/Disney/Marvel, confirm Agents of SHIELD Season 5 already!

Hey, of course, thank god for the growing diversity of tones and stories we are getting in comic book series and even movies, it's the key to keeping this golden age of comic book content alive.

Even Loki's motivations are quite flimsy, despite the characters charisma.

Hard to compare Apples and Oranges, many of the shows are just so different, but based on current seasons and without Netflix it's:

LoT S2 is really worth it if you want some unhinged campy fun, it was an inmensely enjoyable season, up there with Arrow S2 and Flash S1 for best of DCCW.

I think that it's not only about his powers, his regret was just not having been able to "fight the good fight and be a hero" as he would have wanted despite his best intentions

Radcliffe shouting "That's not what I meant you sadistic Witch" through the wall was oddly humorous despite the gravity of the situation.

So, this is like the Superman counterpart to Gotham? A Superman-centered show without actual Superman?

Another great episode, such fantastic acting and cinematography.

Your President actually went on a real interview with that nutjob. Hey, at least he was smart enough to know where his voter base lies…

I loved Flash S1, but over the course of S2 and S3 I learned to hate it, such a disappointment.

Come on, Grodd looks incredible for a TV-series.

Even beyond the obvious advantages of improving some old effects, they also added some good scenes, like in ESB when Luke is imprisoned by the SW Yeti they showed him more

The thing is that I feel like the "originals" didn't end up where they are now for satisfying reasons, it's pretty obvious that they just had to end up there for the script to set back the status quo to the OT Empire vs Rebels era

Suresuresure, everything you said is true, but come on, stop with the realistic argument! Like that really matters for SW movies.

That's great, you're probably one of the few people to actually have the originals in their possession. Still though, you might want to check out the de-specialized editions for yourself, some of the changes Lucas made were actually quite good and enhance the experience so it's nice to have them

I agree with you to some extent, but I feel like any satisfying and "happy" character development for the original trio was sacrificed for the sake of immediately bringing back the Rebels vs Empire rethoric because that's what the "real" SW is about, even though it's honestly a boring status quo that myself and many

I feel like you keep telling me to calm down, didn't you already tell me that on some other posts? Jeez, just because I'm using some emphasis and exclamation points to get my point across online doesn't mean I'm bashing my head against the keyboard, I'm perfectly calm dude, don't be so condescending.

I suggest to look for the "de-specialized" editions, fan-made versions that keep the good changes and removes the stupid ones. It also enhances the overall color a little and is just overall the best version of the OT I ever saw. You can find it on torrent