
IGN, despite mostly being an overly commercial website with way too many shitty (and probably teenaged) commenters actually still does a fairly decent job of discussing comics.
They regularly have long articles that review many issues of ongoing comics so you can have a nice overview of what's happening and what's

Yeah, I'll just skip to that story. But seriously though, having a TPB be only one small part of the big picture can be annoying but it's perfectly acceptable, but having incomplete storyarcs that are completed not by the previous or the next TPB of the series, but by other series? What the actual fuck, I never saw

After getting "The Complete Adam Warlock by Starlin" and seeing how much better the art is in real print than in digital form, I'm holding of on reading the Death of Captn Marvel until I'll get a hold on "The complete Captain Marvel by Starlin" TPB so I can reread his whole run and then finish with his Death in all

I actually got turned of reading it during the 2nd TPB because of the dumb tie-ins. Seriously, they included several issues that are pretty much useless if you don't read other Avengers issues!! If I get myself a TPB I am doing so because I want a collected story that makes sense by itself damnit!!!
Anyways, I guess

Wait, so it was the Magneto run that retconed Pietro being his son? What a dumb decision… Anyways, that run still looks pretty good though, I have it on my to-read list… Can I just skip the AXIS crossover part or will I be lost afterwards?


I've always wanted to check that one out because the concept of seeing heroes through a civilian lense is intriguing, but like you said, since I'm still relatively new to comics and not that well versed in the history of many characters I fear that many things will go over my head.

The Old Guard is about a group of immortal mercenaries right? That concept alone is very cool and has me interested, plus the art looks great, I'll wait for the TPB to come out and I'll check it out

Hey, I'm exaggerating, it's just that overall I find Marvel characters more relatable and interesting, even when they are very powerful. I do think though that with characters like Superman or Flash, their power-level makes many conflicts feel forced (unless their opponent is basically their evil counterpart), and in

Punisher: Born - Garth Ennis' origin story of the Punisher is a great but somewhat depressing read. It put's you right in the middle of Vietnam and let's you experience the horrors and action in a visceral way. It's the perfect setting to explore Frank Castle's psychological issues and the start of his personal war,

Marvel really is losing me with their overly vast array of titles and constant rebranding, even if I would want to follow the current X-Men where do I even start? X-Men Gold? X-Men Prime? X-Men Blue? Uncanny X-Men? All-new X Men?

Yep, but also to be clear, the fact that most DC heroes are OP is what often makes them unrelatable and somewhat boring, and also makes for contrived storytelling and action set-pieces since they should be able to overcome most obstacles without any issue whatsoever

Really? I mean, it's been a long while since I saw it so I'm not speaking from my POV, but I'm pretty sure it's widely considered as a highly influential and important piece of cinema no?

Is that a thing? lol

Yeah, I know that was your point, I was agreeing with you. :)
Also, propaganda can be art can't it? Either way, my point was that even though the creators of "Triumph of the Will" were vile nazis, is is still a milestone of cinema, wether critics agree with the viewpoints or actions of the creators is irrelevant

I guess… Hey, I'm a Whedon fan too! :D

I mean, it is pretty much proven that most great writers and intellectuals were somewhat fucked up, wether they abandoned their children or beat up their wives or just plain up killed people or whatever.
Of course those were different times, but I guess that means that everything they did was completely and utterly

"Scarlett Johansson, perfectly cast"

Yeah, I still don't care, at this point I just hope that the Wonder Woman movie will be great and that the Justice League movie after will be such a flop that they will cancel the universe.

They were quite good portrayal wise, but the story just didn't live up to their performance. As much as Viola Davis was a great fit, the stupid story really made her look less interesting than the Arrow Waller