
The “He will avenge us.” is pretty clearly directed at Palpatine, probably the only person he hates as much as Kenobi. It's pretty ironic in a way, he hates Palpatine for using him like a tool and then discarding him as soon as Kenobi crushed his body and spirit, robbing him of his supposedly rightful place in the

Damn, I have mixed feelings about this.

I agree about Plaza, she freaks me the hell out, but the Fat Bastard also still gets to me, the brief switch Lenny made to Fat Bastard after biting David's ear looked impressive and was scary as shit

Lol, I know you're being facetious and of course I don't expect them to be political reporters, but if they absolutely have to get invested in the political game on a pop culture website, presumably because it works well for clicks, at least maybe sometimes make a 5 line-long article that leads to a NYT article,

So this is pretty much the Legion-version of a bottle episode right?


I'm fine with that, even as a child I only rarely ever cared for the singing in Disney movies, and in live action it can be jarring, especially with the more serious Mulan story and especially when the actors often can't really sing that well

Personally I find it's just in line with the rest, pretty much the same format and pacing issues, but overall like with the rest I enjoy the show despite these flaws. Thank god Defenders is only 8 episodes though.

Which is how you indirectly contributed to the banalization and acceptance of actual racism from Trump and the likes in the current american society. Think about it, the words racist, mysoginist, homophobic etc used to have much more meaning, when a public figure or anybody really was accused of these things there was

Like all Marvel Netflix shows up to now… I don't know why they insist with the 13 episodes format when clearly it has never worked for them pacing-wise. I guess they had a contract to fulfill or something.

Oh no, I'm being shunned by the "tolerant and open-minded " liberals for having a different opinion, soon you will tell me to go back to Breitbart I guess… Come on, I just really enjoy it and I'm amazed at the atrocious reviews that clearly seem to have an issue with the show for reasons beyond it's quality which is

To do spoiler tags just put "< spoiler >" at the beginning of your spoiler and "< /spoiler >" at the end, only without the blank spaces. Just warn me beforehand if you spoil anything past Ep8, I haven't gotten that far yet :)

No it's not! How dare he like hip hop, he is a rich white guy, cultural appropriation!!!!!!

One thing I noticed with Madame Gao in all the Netflix shows is that we saw her perform some incredible feats and she clearly has some kind of great power, and yet the good guys never really seem to acknowledge it that much, it's a little weird, you'd think they would want to know more about it or rethink their

What? Of course it's nothing for the US budget, I'm not saying that Trump's travels will bankrupt the country or something, but it's a matter of principle. To pay one's own private activities with taxpayers money is just wrong. Now, if he flew over to Florida to have a summit with the Florida governor or something and

And it only gets better after that ;)

Completely agreed, you're just another example that shows that PC culture is like 80, 90% bullshit that very often isn't even the point of view shared by the "poor victimized minorities" that it supposedly fights for

Apparently nobody watches AoS, lol, you never hear that show being discussed anywhere. Which is a damn shame since it's top-tier comic book TV!

Yeah, sorry, at that point we will just have to disagree, I am just not PC enough, not once was there a "rich white guy who thinks he's better than anyone else and deserves to have everything handed to him" moment for me, and even if there was I wouldn't consider it much of a problem if it works story-wise

Eh, whatever, opinions I guess, but I think overall the intro was well received, saying it's DOGSHIT it complete overkill, lol.
For me its DD>>>IF>JJ>LC
I like them all anyways, but the LC one felt the most generic to me, I had to look it up just to remember how it sounded