Oh yeah, forgot about that one, it was like a ninja smoke bomb, suddenly he was gone. I think that's just the usual dumb TV show action scene moment though
Oh yeah, forgot about that one, it was like a ninja smoke bomb, suddenly he was gone. I think that's just the usual dumb TV show action scene moment though
Yeah, but there could be an explanation for this, I wouldn't rule out that Chase is Vigilante too. That Prometheus vs Vigilante fight with vigilante mysteriously disappearing seemed pretty suspicious
Arguably SHIELD is also almost up there, though in comparison it suffers a little because of the long network TV seasons
I agree with the reviewer that the whole criticizing Felicity and Thea thing feels a little preachy and hypocritical coming from people who murdered, tortured and all that. Then again, Felicity and Thea also murdered people, directly or indirectly.
The whole trope of city-based heroes bothers me honestly, why restrict your activity to one particular city? Also big cities aren't exactly the kind of place were you feel some kind of deeper feeling of belonging and community like these heroes always try to sell us
Maybe, but for me at least the current Legends S2 is also great, I would say that Flash S1, Arrow S2 and LoT S2 are the best the DCCW has to offer. So there still is some hope left
Agreed, but we are now also getting there on the TV and movietheater landscape, people might complain about over saturation but we now have a lot of tonally different comic book shows and movies and it's awesome!
Except both characters are 100% real, even if not necessarily all the time shown on screen. How I imagine it is that Chase just has different personas a la Roger from American Dad, multiple personality disorder and whatnot. However, the Prometheus vs Vigilante battle seems to be the same thing as the first fight in…
The Yellow Eyed creature looks a lot like this guy from the comics, even the powers and characteristics are quite similar:
Holy shit, that ending though
Hey, it is what it is, writing never was the DCTV strong suit. It is true that Flash S1 and Arrow S1 and S2 felt more cohesive as a season long story than the latter ones, probably because they had more time to plan out the overarching plots
I'm a big fan of the Chase is Vigilante and Prometheus theory, it would actually make a lot of sense if not for the scene were we see them both at the same time during the conference, but there could be an explanation for that too
I don't really know what to think of the reveal, it could work, at least the actor playing Chase has a great screen presence. I can't for the life of me figure out Prometheus' reasoning behind his actions over the season though, it all seems pretty random.
It's a problem with DC heroes in general, as much fun as it is to have supertsrong heroes kicking ass, it's hard to come up with real logical challenges for these overpowered beings. Of course The Flash tv show suffers more from that other DC content, because of budget limitations and the typical bad writing
At some point you just got to face the fact that the show is dumb and not overthink it. King Shark and Grodd simply will not be killed because they look great and are fan favorites so they want to bring them back. And the Flash had this dumb little moral dilemma because there had to be some kind of personal struggle…
Ugh.. Dumb social media
So, who the fuck cares what he looks like, he's obviously not a regular animal gorilla, he is a self-aware sentient being! What part of that is so hard to understand?
Mind you, I'm not defending Flash's dilemma about not killing him which was lame, especially since I'm pretty sure he already killed some folks
I thought it was an issue with the trailers they put on Youtube, lol, I never thought that it was intentional… What the actual fuck?
What? He is a sentient being, he's not an animal that only acts on instinct, it's just the same as killing a (bad) person
I came back to Flash just for the Gorilla madness, and as suspected the Gorilla parts were awesome, so I really enjoyed the episodes despite the usual Flash tropes. But it didn't convince me at all to go back to watching the show, despite that cliffhanger.