
Ugh, couldn't be less excited to see this movie. I bet the whole point will just be to show how Han won the Falcon.
I want some new stuff Disney, damnit, grow some balls and take a risk!

I know, it's strange, he has bright and shiny fur, he looks way younger than in the OT to me, it's just weird

Of course, everything you say makes sense.
However, that still doesn't change the fact that the PC movement is a complete failure. It didn't help the less privileged at all, and it only created more tensions by rekindling identitary conflicts.
Maybe it helped to get some more diversity into movies because white

I can totally understand that, but I didn't mind much, I found most of the goofy stuff charming. A few times they went a little overboard and it got silly, but overall I liked the tone and I liked both movies.

Sure, if you don't like them that's fair, but even completely changing the spirit of the comics can work in a movie (Constantine comes to mind, as a movie it worked even if it's nothing like the Hellblazer comics).
I'm just a little sick of the constant complaints of changing the source material… I mean, if you wanted

So what? Don't be such a nerd, lol.
I love comicbooks, and I also love when they are faithful to the original material, but comicbook movies can be excellent even if they completely change the source material. They just have to be good movies on their own.

Agreed, the ending of Hellboy 2 was also very fitting for a franchise end, what with Hellboy saying fuck it and just leaving with Liz. It doesn't end the story of Hellboy, but it does close one chapter of his life. Now he's out for all new adventures! I liked it.
Still would like to see Hb3 though, but if Hb2 is the

Oh come on Hollywood, if the creators were on board for a sequel to successfull enough comicbookmovies that had a lot of fans and have garnered even more over time, how was it not worth a shot? Especially if the creator is fucking Guillermo del Toro!
Why was it so hard to get Hellboy 3 made, I don't get it.

Agreed mostly, but I also think that besides giving the right a perfect scapegoat, it rekindled tribalism which did play a larger factor in getting Trump elected I think.
Like, with the exception of actual racists, most white americans didn't really think about their race all that often, they were americans and that's

Lol, I know, but I didn't even particularly mean for him, I also meant for his fans and in general… It's like when a great sportsfigure retires, you don't immediatly give the number he had on the back of his shirt to the next random player, you know what I mean?

Great list! Man, this show is truly great, there are so many other amazing episodes that could easily have been on a top 5 too, there's almost no mediocre episodes, and really no bad ones imo

I really loved this episode, the whole second half was great imo. The whole second part of the season was great, didn't like the 1st one as much, I have nothing against the dark humor and the more depressing storybeats, but it just didn't do it in that instance for me.
I probably had a different outlook on the end

Yeah, I know it's the uploaders that decide it, but it's pretty baffling and doesn't make sense nowadays in the internet era. Also, why would they not want to reach more people?

Ugh, that sounds just as awful as I imagined.
I can just imagine afterwards trying to get rid of the stuff in your molars with your tongue…

Also, the running joke of eating cat food was somewhat meh, but it's climax was great, I loved that Bob already knew that Linda does it.

Yeah, the ending kind of frustrated me.
But not really because of their financial situation, they are like most TV people, they are stated to be "poor" but overall it's not an issue at all in the show, they live in their house and own the restaurant and life goes on.
It frustrated me because it was it was just another

Thanks a lot man! Seeing the trailer got me even more pumped, it looked great!
What's the deal with not making stuff like that available in all countries! Ugh, I hate when Youtube cockblocks you like that

Honestly, they are all still great, even if they are not as consistent as S3 or S4. Arguably, some of the best episodes of the show are in S6 and S7

Yes, Archeeeeeer!! (distant echo somehwere: "Lanaaaaaaaaa!")
I missed the show a lot, can't wait!