
Lol, you seem very passionate about the issue.
Personally, whatever her faults in the comics (I don't know her character at all), in the movie universe I would much rather have her as the new Wolverine than a recasted Logan. I don't want to see any new Logan for at least 8 years, I've had my fill, and this movie looks

I would be on board with that, but please god not another Logan Wolverine!

People are already speculating on who is the next Wolverine?
For fuck's sake, just leave the character alone now, he has been there for 17 years! And also honor Jackman a little, to recast another Wolverine right away would be not only dumb but disrespectfull imo.
The only new Wolverine I would accept is the X-23 girl,

Eeeehhh… I feel like you are being snarky but I don't get it. This video came out this week, so it's not dated or anything… Or are you a republican revelling in your victory..?

I agree mostly, of course the republicans would have found new scapegoats even without the PC movement, but that one really helped to divide the people and normalize racist talk on the right, ironically enough. It's also true that that democrats didn't exactly push or create "PC politics", but they largely adopted

Damn, thanks for the lifestory, haha! You really got motivated to write a long comment there.
Also, giving out random comic issues on halloween is an awesome idea, I'll have to remember that

Wow, great news, can't wait!

I mean, he is an entertainer above all, but just by getting some perspective and some facts out there he may help people rethink certain issues, so that's something. It's like John Oliver or all these other show hosts that discuss topical events in the hopes of maybe shining light on some issues and get people to

Goddamnit people, stop with that theory, there is absolutely no way that Ezra is Snoke! xD
You really think Disney is gonna make the main villain of the new trilogy a preexisting character from a kids TV show? That's way too much of a risk, it makes no sense production wise.

Of course, I completely agree with your last sentence, the main issue is obviously a lack of education, because any more or less intelligent person should be able to see right through Trump's bullshit.
But without the problematic PC culture and identity politics that accentuated racial tensions by perpetually dividing

I mean, identity policies and the PC discourse are an integral part of the democrats nowadays, and is also adopted in big part by the media. So, to say that's just a handful of self-righteous college students that cause some fuss is quite reductive.
Of course it didn't force anyone to run into the arms of racists, but

I understand what you are saying, obviously some subtlety gets lost because he likes to provoke, and of course also for comedic purposes. But he never seemed unreasonable or prejudiced to me from what I have seen (which again, isn't all that much, basically many videos on youtube), just a little obsessed with the

Ok, thanks. I don't understand the pacfists complaint then tough, it has been well established from the start in TCW that it was something relatively new that wasn't in their culture and that many resisted these pacifists ways. So it doesn't even contradict the EU or anything does it?

Meh, I know Hollywood studios were involved a little, but most production studios behind it are chinese, it was filmed in China, with a chinese director and mostly chinese crew, let's just give this one to them :)

Fair point, but I also think there is no reason to sugarcoat the problems of the practice of Islam, which like with all religions, there are plenty.
Of course statistically dying from a terrorist attack is very unlikely, it's just all over the news all the time because fear sells. However, it is also statistically true

You are twisting my arguments and being tonedeaf, whatever, just watch more of Bill Maher when he speaks about PC culture. I can't help you if you are unwilling to see how identity politics and PC culture are deeply flawed and that they didn't really improve the conditions of minorities at all.
(See also Jay1978's

Damn, you got motivated there to write all that! Well said!
I think the left and the right are equally tonedeaff to the other side right now and are really struggling to see the faults in their own reasonings, and that's a dangerous situation, which among other things lead to Trump now being POTUS.

Let's leave Trump and his arguments out of the matter for a while, because of course he bullied his opposition, fomented hate speech etc, but I am talking about the failures of the left.
If people tell me that PC police had a huge influence on them voting Trump or going over to the republican party I believe it, it's a

Of course not, but did you see the video? Was the joke in any way offensive or bigoted? No, it's not, self-entitled liberals just keep acting like they have the universal truth of what offends people and what doesn't. Besides the fact that policing the language restricts freedom, it often is completely irrelevant.

Sorry, but I think that's just not true, and if you look at many Trumpster comments it will confirm that the PC police had something to do with it.
Can't you understand that the many poor white people in rural areas that live like shit feel left out when as soon as they make any kind of demands they are being told to