
Except that many times political correctness is the opposite of inclusiveness, it puts people into categories all the time and treats them differently according to which category they are in. Really, the only group that talks as much about the differences between us humans than the racist extreme right is the

I agree with many things you said, I'm a leftist myself and struggle with the idiocy and hipocrisy of the right-wing bubble.
However, I do belief that the PC movement has become a problem, it is now mainstream in America through the Internet and the media, and it influences much bigger things than the right to do

At this point I'm convinced it's intentional, last episode was the turning point for me, it was clear that Ezra was supposed to look like a dick when mocking Sabine and her training

Ok, I get that. But was the Mandalorian culture in the OR completely different than the ones now? Weren't they also a warrior race with a big emphasis on honor and strength?

Sure, never said they were jut one entity, but as you can see, with me being a living example of that, any leftist who doesn't strictly adhere to political correctness usually gets shunned by the left, so I wouldn't say that it's a small minority either

Well of course, there are several examples of people getting censored of self censoring because they feared the backlash, like Clint Eastwood when he wanted to make a joke about Caitlin Jenner.
See Bill Maher:

I didn't love him in TCW either, but he was used better and had some genuinely funny moments, like the part where he was wearing a robe and everybody confused him with a Jedi, I honestly laughed out loud

Thanks! Man, Bill Maher was right, the left really can't accept any kind of different or "offensive" view anymore. That idiot Trump didn't help in that regard either, but liberals have got to remember that we are all about free speech!

I've hear that complaint so many times, but what exaclty did they change? How are the EU Mandalorians different?

Agreed, sometimes the arc worked to the detriment of TCW, but that's because they used the arcs poorly, not because the arcs are inherently problematic. If you use arcs like you are supposed to, for the more elaborate and consequence-heavy stories, it's all good.
Also, stop your Jar JAr prejudice, Jar Jar wasn't all

Well, then get out of here if you can't even read other people's opinions! Us liberals are all for free speech, so suck it!

There is no point into turning into a competition of who has done more harm to free speech, but the left this past few years has undeniabily contributed to a lot of direct or indirect censorship.
That fact alone should make liberals, who supposedly are all about free speech, second guess themselves. Unfortunately, they

I don't know, I'll have to see more of his content, I can understand why some part of the left hates him because he is firmly against the particular american brand of political correctness, which personally as an european leftist I find great, I love it when he critizes that bullshit. He does seem to have a rather

I understand you frustration, I really do, but come on, if you didn't watch more you can't really have a say on it's quality. Also, production values aren't everything, it undeniably has some amazing episodes and SW moments, I'd suggest you at least watch the best episodes, which often feature Vader, Tarkin or

Ok, mabye not the best episodes, but they could easily be among the better ones. Some episodes are really nuanced and interesting, they can pack quite an emotional punch, and there are still some impressive and cinematic actions sequences, even with the lesser animation.
Did you even watch all episodes of Rebels or did

Yeah, I'm honestly still pissed that they cancelled TCW for Rebels, but it's still a good show so I watch it. Also, it's best episodes are almost as good as the best TCW episodes

Not sure if you're sarcastic there but no, iIt's Bill Maher, it's honestly great

Great episode, I hope they will keep doing more arcs like this, it's just more interesting then having continuous standalone episodes that don't have much impact.
I am also really, really glad that Sabine stayed behind at the end, I love her character but it's about time something happened to change the status quo of

You get used to it, and it has some charms of it's own, but yeah, sadly it isn't giving nearly as much money to the show as Lucas did to TCW

I just discovered Bill Maher today on youtube, didn't see this Milos thing because I don't care about that fucker, but Maher seems like an intelligent and nuanced guy, he really has some pretty great and hilarious stuff so you are missing out.
Like this savage takedown of republicans:
or this