
But to some extent the same can be said about the left, they are not focusing on the important issues, which is one of the many reasons Trump is now POTUS, God help us all…

Well, a little introspection has never hurt anybody, but oh well…
I'm just criticising that american progressives tend to have a filter of american culture and social history when talking about certain issues, even if it doesnt apply.
Probably also the reason why I never saw any kind of backlash over the wifi joke in

If you are speaking about me I am neither american nor right wing (european leftist, so basically way more on theft then you american liberals). Before getting triggered, did you even read my arguments? Did you find them unresaonable?

I wasn't trying to talk about that particular controversy though, I was just using it as an example to make a point about liberal political correctness and how it is often misguided because of american appropriation of issues that are just not the same in other cultures

AVClub liberals, here me out, I just found one of the most amazing takedowns of Republicans I ever saw, please share it all around the Internet, it deserves to be seen more, especially by bitchy republicans:

AVClub liberals, here me out, I just found one of the most amazing takedowns of Republicans I ever saw, please share it all around the Internet, it deserves to be seen, especially by bitchy republicans:

AVClub liberals, here me out, I just found one of the most amazing takedowns of Republicans I ever saw, please share it all around the Internet, it deserves to be seen, especially by bitchy republicans:

I don't know anything about Milo (except that he works at Breitbart so fuck him) and this controversy and don't care at all, but Maher made one of the most epic takedowns of republicans I ever saw, please share it around, I would love for bitchy republicans to see it:

AVClub liberals, here me out, I just found one of the most amazing takedowns of Republicans I ever saw, please share it all around the Internet, it deserves to be seen, especially by bitchy republicans:

Happy to see that the AVClub didn't reignite the fake whitewashing controversy.
One tip for all you progressive americans, I know you have good intentions but think twice before condeming something because often you end up being close-minded and self-centered americans instead of tolerant and open to other cultures.

Finally watched it and I enjoyed it quite a lot!
The animation is gorgeous, it's a given in these Disney movies but it never fails to amaze me, it's really beautiful. The chicken was also awesome, it made me laugh out lout several times and was a great running gag. I also really appreciated the ending where they went

FUCK censorship!

I think so, I seem to remember that most kids liked him at the time, and I spoke with several people who saw it as I kid they said they liked him too at that time. I only saw the movie several years after it came out, I was already a pre-teen by then but I still was ok with him as far as I remember.

Right? These damn clickbait articles had me thinking Matt Reeves was already confirmed when it wasn't the case at all

Maybeee..? I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the prequels as they are, flaws and all, and I am also glad that Jar Jar isn't in EP2 and 3, but I am still damn curious about what could have been, and don't think it would have been completely impossible to make the twist work

Honestly, I like C3PO, but he is just as damn annoying as Jar Jar, and he has been annoying for far longer too

Good for you man, stand up proud and face the wrath of the Internet mob

Also he was perfectly fine as a dumb kiddie character, most kids liked Jar Jar, so it's not like he was hated by everybody..
In the stories though he did contribute to the rise of the Empire, so he is not all that innocent

There is obviously no way that Jar Jar will ever reappear in any meaningfull way under Disney, even if it was Lucas' original plan, risk-taking is not their game. Bashing him and giving him a miserable end like the whole Internet mob has been wanting for 15 years seems right up their alley.
I am still really intrigued

Of course he has an established program on his website, and people should have used that as a basis for rational discussions. However, when he speaks (which, let's face it, is the main way people get their information about their candidate for some reason), he contradicted those same policies many times, not to