
That a high percentage of people in such a powerfull and rich 1st world country still don't believe in evolution or climate change is baffling to me and so many others… No wonder americans have a reputation for being dumb, I'm really sorry for you, can't be easy to live with such people

Well, not really, read the rest of my comment. What I mean is just because man-child Trump started a shouting match, the whole country didn't have to revel in it and follow him and therefore enable him… Or do you mean that I'm a hypocrite because I am tonedeaf to Trump's opinion? He never really had one that is

It's widely known that the Olympics and the FIFA world cup are basically just huge scams by powerfull, greedy and corrupt organizations, pretty unbelievable that they still operate with such impunity

It already got it completely wrong since this is almost exclusively a chinese film, if anything including non-chinese people is diversity, lol… Liberals can also be so dumb sometimes

Right? Half of his speech didn't even make sense! How can you argue for a conference that answered none of the asked questions and didn't even make sense in the english language most of the time? I'm shaking my head in disbelief

Out of curiosity I went to fucking Breitbart to see what they were saying, and comments and articles alike were all celebrating the Donald's crushing victory over the corrupt press and media, holy shit, how much stupidity! He still has so much support from his dumb followers and even from the Republicans who don't

Yeah, the most lame rap battles ever with only old uncool white people, lol

Hey, come on now, I never said that it was in any way ok, just that from a cynical and objective viewpoint it's not as bad… If I was "defending" Gibson before it's because I was only aware of his drunken, racist and agressive insults which overall are harmless to fellow human beings, unlike many other persons in the

It's just complete and utter agressive, self-aggrandizing nonsense.
When I heard him speak for the 1st time, when he was already quite far ahead in the race (since I'm not american I don't usually follow it so much), I immediatly noticed it and couldn't believe that he was actually a serious candidate and not a

Ok, I never heard about that so you're right, that's something else for which, if true, he should have had more serious legal consequences… Still not as bad as rape though

On a small positive note, I found at least one semi-important republican willing to speak up against the farce that is Trump :

Also gun laws in the US are laughable, when mass shootings happen all the time in your country whereas they almost never happen in other countries maybe you should take inspiration from their gun control laws?

"like when Curtis and Felicity lament that nobody ever talks about anything anymore and wonders if that’s what’s wrong with the country"
How was that a weaker point, when I stayed in the US recently for a few months (and when I go to US websites) I quickly noticed that there is a general tonedeafness about other's

For once, the headline of the article is genius, it made me laugh out loud

I don't have anything against her show-inspired costume, it looks good even though I like her more classic one a little more. The comic does look pretty generic though, so I'll wait for feedback, if it's good I might give it a try, Elektra is a cool character

As an european that bothers me so fucking much, if you are old enough to read a comic about people getting fucking murdered by an assassin you are old enough to read the words fuck or shit, goddamnit America!

I don't get any of it, like swearing does any kind of damage to a child, and like censoring helps them not hear those words! I knew fuck, shit, whore etc.. when I was like 8, and that was before children used Internet!

I know, but whatever, maybe she revolutionized the Sai figthing techniques by sharpening hers? It's comics, lol, whatever, if it looks cool don't question it

It's fucking ridiculous! You americans and your extreme censorship, no wonder they call you land of freedom… (?)

Yeah, of course, but it is undeniable it's common for actors to look way younger than they are. I feel like there is no real middle ground, they either look 10 year younger than their real age or are all fucked up due to excessive drinking, drugs and surgeries xD