
Whereas Tyson got his career back as soon as he got out, which makes it way less time than Gibson for an infinitely worse offense

I just said that cause it kinda sounded that you meant that if Gisbon had served a prison sentence like Tyson he would have been forgiven easily too, even is there's no reason for him to be convicted like Tyson. Also, as far as the industry goes, Tyson did skate free

But if Tyson did actually rape somebody, which as far as the evidence goes seems to be the case, he only did a few years in a light prison and got back in the game and the entertainment industry immediatly after going out. Who cares if he doesn't seem like an asshole if he fucking raped somebody!
If you compare his

Are you implying that a rape is in any way comparable to insulting people and saying racist shit under a drunken stupor from a guy who clearly had issues and was going crazy?
The point is that even if Tyson served his sentence he and many others in the entertainment industry have done much worse shit than Gibson, who

On a small positive note, I found at least one semi-important republican willing to speak up against the farce that is Trump :

Why's that? I mean, it's true that SS made quite a lot of money, but it has gotten a really bad rep now, and the way the DCEU is going it doesn't seem unlikely that they will restructure and change a lot of their plans, if not reboot the whole thing entirely.. I guess it all depends on the financial success or failure

I love you MANIMAL! xD
You can't be a real DCEU fan though, right? Saying Acadamy Award nominee Suicide Squad can only be ironic right?

Yep, it's really hard to do since if you show him all the time he loses much of his impact and it will make either him or the heroes look weak for loosing too often, and if you don't you end up wasting time and treading water untill he shows up again.

Lol, do they still really believe that they will even get a Suicide Squad 2 made?
Either way, I hope there is no truth in that, Gibson is a great director, now that he is finally allowed to make movies again he should do better shit

How the hell is Keanu over 50? Man, actors really do age differently than us commoners

Right? It's one of the more underrated movies out there, it's quite fun and weird and has some neat visuals and concepts.
I don't know much about constantine as a character, but even I realized that he's not at all like the one in the movie, but who cares? A movie has to stand on it's ground, and can totally reinvent

Looks like it, altough to a point it could have been missdirection, to keep Ivanov from suspecting that he had other plans with SHIELD

Do we really always need a definitive big bad vilain? That's what I find refreshing here actually, Radcliffe wants to do good but his questionable morals only got worse with the Darkhold, the superior was just a misguided and hatefull guy that ultimately was out of his depth, and AIDA seems to slowly develop some kind

Yep, looks that way, it's a little strange since they have been building him up quite a bit, but then again it's a nice change from the typical vilain to have him only be misguided and hateful dude that ultimately was out of his depth

Aida and Mace have been 2 truly great additions to the show. Mallory Jansen in particular is really good, she is perfectly believable and natural playing Aida, and seeing her act as Agnes was a great contrast.
Also, it was great to have the SHIELD redshirts a little more involved, it made for some funny moments and it

That drunk dragon issue was great, but the ending was kind of a downer…
I also enjoyed the Malekith arc with the typcial fantasy company, it was less original and interesting but a lot of fun. The only part that I really didn't care for was the Avenger Thor fight against Rexxon on present earth, it was just way too

Same here, I don't even dislike Tina, I'm just not as big a fan as most everybody else seems to be, so I get a little annoyed when her character takes the spotlight way too often with her dumb "romances" xD
I'd much rather have more Ted, he is the undisputed MVP of the show for me, just looking at him even if he

I know I'm in the minority here, and of course the voice actor does great work like almost everybody on the show, but I just don't care for her character, she is the one I get the most annoyed by

Now that's a Disney movie that is actually a good idea to try out in live action, it has a lot of potential. But ugh, again with the copycat movies coming around at more or less the same time.. How does that keep happening?

I never follow the current monthly comics so I'm not really aware of the current comiclandscape, but I did read several recent Marvel tradepaperbacks that were amazing, like Vision by King or Thor God of Thunder by Aaron, so saying that all their comics are crap now is just not true. I agree however that the current