
Man, the MCU is truly amazing.. I may be a fanboy, but after all this time, and now that I know their repetitive formula inside out, they still manage to get me pumped for their endless future movies. I think a big part of that is that they make sure that every movie is a little unique in it's own way, like Ant Man

So… do you like those stories? The point of this is to see what other people like and recomend ;)

I think the decision has been well received overall for now, no?
Cassidy never really clicked as the Canary, in part because of her storylines but also because the actress never really felt confortable in that role.
Personally I am glad that she is no longer on the show, and don't care for the new one yet, but for now

I do hope he stays for the solo Batman movie, I still have some (moderate) hopes for it, he is great as an older Batman, and he could actually channel his bitterness with the DCEU into the bitterness and world-weariness of a more grizzled Batman.
Also, Deathstroke would be a great Batman ennemy.

I'm reading Fables, currently on vol. 5, and I like it a lot, it's a fun and engaging read. However, I don't understand the overwhelming praise it seems to get everywhere, it's a neat concept with a good and interesting story, but there is nothing all that original or exceptional about it, and the art is good but

It was definitely one of the better recent DC animation outings, I enjoyed it a lot. Also, despite Batman being on the cover to sell more, Constantine is the real main character which was nice

The 1st comic looks quite interesting, I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere.
Also, Superman has been replaced by a previous version of Superman..? Man, comics…

I don't really know King of the Hill but I like Linda quite a lot even if she is the most underdevelopped character of the family. Her eccentrities, her singing, her joyfull attitude, her binge-drinking wine and all that crack me up

Also I'm just gonna throw this out there: Tina is my least favorite of the Belchers, her character is usually the most annoying one and her stories are often pretty weak and repetitive. She does have some pretty great comedic lines though

Fun and sweet episode, like always, Bobs Burger's "normalness" is so refreshing in the otherwise craaazy Adult animation category

Since this is THE place to be to talk about political correctness and all that, I found the wi-fi joke quite insensitive and offensive to be honest.. Just because in the US and most other developped countries wi-fi is a given doesn't make it so for more than half of the planet were the Internet, and especially a wifi

It would also be a quite fitting conclusion to this huge story that started with Iron Man, to have it finnish with him dying could really work well

Agreed, that's why I'm still here, but I do wish they would get back to the more consistent quality level of reporting that they had not that long ago.. If they keep dropping the ball myself, and several others too presumably, might leave the site for good

No I didn't, stop it! xD

Is fast food pop culture? I don't think so, but I'm seriously asking, maybe I'm missing something…
What's the deal, why is the AVClub always presenting these new products that can only be found in one particular place anyway, and that are from these huge chains that all suck anyway..
I mean, the articles about recipes

The clickbait invasion is real, soon it will have conquered every last corner of the Interweb

Hey, AVClub is clickbait territory now, better get used to it
Edit: or just leave altogether, but it's still a good enough website…for now

He's a competent director so why not, it's not like the directors were the main problem with these DC movies, it's poor scripts and constant studio meddling that brings them down

Like everybody says, the art looks really amazing, it made me want to get the book right away!
The only thing that I don't really care for is the whole Tarot aspect, I know nothing about Tarot and don't really want to know anything more about it, so I hope it's not that big of an aspect in the story..

I feel like there is an AVClub before Trump and one after, and they are two completely different websites…
The latter is way less insightful, interesting, researched and pop-culture related which really saddens me