
When Rue was described in the books, people clearly thought she was an exceptionally tan white person..... I was actually pretty sickened by the reaction to a black Rue because it said a lot about America’s (at least teenage America) opinion of black people. There were so many people musing over how that now that Rue

Remember the Dilemma video with Kelly Rowland? Oh Nelly, how could you?!?!

Ugh. EQUALITY and/or treating everyone like society treats white males?!?!? YOU ALL MAKE MY SKIN CRAWL WITH YOUR TERRIBLE TERRIBLE THOUGHTS

I’m not sure all the tweets and facebook posts I’ve seen talking about hating n***ers and wanting to “kill all the Arabs” (especially after the American Sniper movie) can be considered passive aggressive, but sure, let’s call it progress.

I’m desperately hoping the Black Community shows up in droves and votes everyone out of office. After seeing what happened in the last election and how the Republicans took over easily, I really want the residents of Ferguson to appreciate how important voting is and get out to the polls.

White People: Statics Are Best Thing Ever To Use To Support My Argument Until Someone Proves Me Wrong With More Statics, In Which Case Statics Don’t Matter At ALL.

Drove pass this this morning and was so dissapointed. A lot of UConn students are douchebags,but now its become clear that they’re racist douchebags willing to turn everything into joke or earnestly defend racism as it were harmless personal beliefs.

My history teacher’s first name was Blackwood which was affectionately shortened to “Blackie”. He was actually very active in the Civil Rights movement. He once told us a story about how he had to awkwardly make a distraction when a fellow passenger asked him what his name was while on a bus to a Civil Rights march.

Linebacker? Homely? Mkay, no.

To skinny white chicks, yes. To anyone who knows of Serena Williams and her goddess body..... absolutely not.

The series was fine ending with the The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest and unless its written by the original author its just a book full of fanfiction (not that fanfiction can't be good; some fanfic writers can write circles around the authors they're emulating *cough* Stephanie Meyer *cough*)

A blunt and a burger and fries sounds magical right now. Carry on.

It's clearly something he's uncomfortable with and regrets getting involved with. The lack 0f chemistry with his costar doesn't help but at least he's getting a raise for the next film. Sometimes nothing comforts like cold hard cash.

Does Jamie Dornan's soul count?

Man's gotta live making money somehow.

Unfortunately, victims are probably far from finished in terms of coming forward and America is far from finished watching Bill Cosby fall from grace.

*facepalm* I completely forgot about the existence of Last Call but now that you mention it.... I guess what I really miss the playfulness. Black Skinhead is perfectly aggressive for the gym but all the skits and especially the song The New Workout Plan from College Dropout are still are hilarious.

This might have been a complement if it were said 20ish years ago. Back then, she was envelope pushing and innovative. Now all I can think of is the fact that they're both more than a little attention hungry and how I really miss College Dropout era Kanye (and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy but that's after he

If it were a battle of sleaze I would declare Adam the winner before taking a long, scalding hot shower.

We may be hoes, but at the very least we can make better choices than Chris Brown.