Lord John Whorfin

Honestly: it mostly depends on how your brain functions. I’m a single guy who left home at sixteen, living in a relatively small city, with quite some messed-up relationships and professional detours in my past, and no family worth mentioning. Without getting into details: I’m on the spectrum, and it’s been a terribly

I stopped caring exactly at the point where I was told to by the director himself. Too bad because I have always looked forward to Nolan’s movies and The Dark Knight is probably one of the best movies ever made.

They should give up on the DCEU. Just make movies about individual heroes or storylines, without this need for everything to be interconnected. Hell, I’ve started to think the way everything is interconnected in the MCU is starting to get tiresome, and they’ve done things infinitely better than DC/WB. 

You clearly have not had a good, home-made macaroon. When done right, it’s like a Mounds bar turned up to 11. I make them at various points around the year, and bring them in to the office as treats--and they are practically fought over. 

Enjoy! I watched the Canadian version first and I loved it. The first two seasons with Levy are especially great!

It is on Canadian Netflix and it's on the CBC Gem app. I'm sure they're both regionally locked, but CBC may be easier to get around.

Delicious. Also: Naked Baked Pretzel sounds like either a hot yoga position or a stoned sex maneuver.

also, he’s not a doctor

“Kaztenberg is the kind of guy that has emails printed out for him.”

They should have asked who her favourite dancehall artist is.

More than once I’ve brought one home and used my thinnest, sharpest kitchen knife to slice that caramel off. 

When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Mara Lorenzio] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all the women’s contracts stating that they would not make love with the director. We had never talked to each other. I knew

Lynch is extremely male gazey, and seems to lean toward a quiet sort of lasciviousness in his personal life. But that seems to be about it. Nothing overtly concerning, criminal, or offensive.

This is SUCH a good idea. 

Orange County, CA here. TP and paper products are here but a bit more sparse than prepanic, and hand sanitizer is plentiful (although the amount limits are still posted, not actually necessary.) I had to go to 3 different stores to find egg whites (maybe we all decided to do meringues at the same time.)

Clorox wipes and paper towels are still very hard to find in my area in the NE. Toilet paper has made a comeback, as have hand sanitizer and hand soap finally.

Regularly unavailable here (Central CA) are cleaning supplies: anything for the kitchen with bleach in it, Lysol spray, etc.

Google: NYT choc chip cookie recipe. Now, forget what it says about mixing bread and cake flour. too much hassle. 17 oz AP is just fine. Also, swap the amounts for the white and brown sugar. you want 10oz white and 8oz brown. For crispness. Also, you need 16-17oz of chocolate. NOT 1.5 lbs. I know, I know, but with

It’s not much different than when my mother shaking her head at Black people “actin’ the fool”. They make us all look bad.

That doesn’t really solve the problem of kids having fake IDs or misrepresenting themselves on the internet, as both instances happen all the time. However, if it seems too close to call he could just avoided the trouble by going home and jerking off and that would have very easily solved this problem. Unless he was