Lord John Whorfin

I recently went and saw Rob Zombie’s ‘3 From Hell’ at the theater. Don’t judge me for this. Judgement will come in a moment.

LOL, the best take. Not to get too political, but it sounded a lot like a DJT tweet.

Tyson actually makes a dark-meat chicken patty, breaded with hash-browns and stuffed with cheddar cheese...if you can find it.

Actually, hashbrowns and melted cheese made me say “Hold up, now” out loud. Doesn’t wafflehouse do that already?

Im sure you can turn a fruit cake into a burger but the truth is its still a fruit cake.. Honestly i think you guys dont marketing you compare pizza with burger and fries its not the same .. And even burgers ate not prepared the same ... Yes its a market.. And plenty of markets market different things .. Some ate pro

I don’t understand it, and I’m afraid...

I’m sure you are right that it can always be worse, but I just can’t see anything right now that would top deporting children who are here for life saving treatment and in some cases will literally die on the flight back to their country.

I’ve dealt with narcissistic psychopaths before, and Trump set off my alarm right away. From day one, I knew it was just going to be a daily circus, because that’s what these people do. It will not end until he dies, because even as an ex-president, he would likely never stop blabbering.

Illegitimi non carborundum!

This is where I’m hoping you can help, SW. If we could eat here, pay the fee, and hold up our end as good customers, great. If not, I think this place is out of our reach for now.

I can forgive most things. Most

Where’s my pitchfork and torch?!?!?

how could you?


Two by two. Hands of blue.