Lord John Whorfin

How sharpie than a serpent’s tooth it is to have ungrateful and mocking minions/subjects.

Buffalo buffalo buffal Buffalo buffalo buttholes. 

White Castle technically steams their burgers on a pile of onions, they do not grill them (insert steamed hams joke). The party line is that the holes are there to let the steam pass through which cooks them faster, more evenly, and without flipping, while bathing them in oniony steam.

I.... uh.

Her affinity for butts is apt, considering how full of shit she is.

My 6 y.o. loves it. Which probably proves your point.

I can’t wait till it does, I’ve been practicing opening beers with my biceps... sorry, Manceps, for years just waiting for my one big shot at the small screen.

300 sucks.

True. We need Channing “Taters” Tatum in a banana hammock in the background to really sell this canned piss-water. 


Oh, dude, you will love this:

Anyon else collect the ring-tabs, link ‘em together in chains and either 1) use them as jewelry or 2) use them as Ghost Rider chain whips on their little brother.

Check out the one in Hoffman Estates right off of I90. That joint cemented my love for Steak n Shake.

About that: I think I read somewhere that they bought the property for both Uno and Due, and the revenue from all the other Unos offsets the tax hits. Pretty savvy move

I live in San Antonio, which is like 30% Catholic, and can confirm that fish during Lent is still going strong.

I honestly didn’t know Ed Debevic’s was still around. That kinda blows my mind

Antoni is perfect at doing what he’s there for. Although I LOVE all the shots of him holding raw food/veggies and sniffing them. It’s art.

Tan France’s personal style is basically the same as Ellen / a well to do lesbian. Nothing wrong with that in anyway, but it's kinda how he often styles many other guys. It's not always the most flattering choice.

Nah man you don't dredge wings before frying.