Lord John Whorfin

Alright fuck it. I tried arguing for the instant pot yesterday. How about I deep fry the bastards? What to do I different from this recipe to make it work? 

BREAKING: Dwayne Johnson to star in new Werner Herzog production Grizzly Man 2: Man Bites Back. Herzog hypes the collaboration: “In all the faces of all the bears that Johnson ever filmed, I discover no kinship, no understanding, no mercy. I see only candy-ass fear.”

i remember that tour!  i particularly remember some “G.I. Joe” figures stuck on the model ship that was bringing cocoa beans to america!

If you’ve never read Cerebus, it truly is one of the greatest comics ever written...

...as long as you stop after Flight.  Once you’re done with Flight, just stop right there.


‘What is kveik yeast’? An anagram of ‘I Seek Yak TV’, that’s what.

You can fill out a brief sign-up form at malesyrup.org

But are they International Houses of Pie? Maybe that’s the missing piece.

No love for “FWAPADAP”?

Don’t forget the king of all... Glitch!

Always nice to hear from the Don Martin contingent.

I can’t believe no one has commented that maraschino cherries suck and they are welcome to leave them off.

And 40 minutes is similar to the stove-top time.

My dad is 91 and likes to take a drink. He went to the doctor for a physical and was told he should try to quit drinking. When I asked him what he was going to do he said, "look for a new doctor, I fired this guy"! His next doctor told him to keep doing whatever it is that he's doing now! Now my dad has a doctor for

Who cares, there is no future.

Let’s say ... that you have a black man. This man smokes, lives in a house with radon in the basement, drives his old diesel truck through the pollution of Delhi on his way to a job in the asbestos plant. He gets lung cancer.

So really, chugging soda will make you happy now, and and reduce you’re time of being miserable later. It’s a win win

You are not. My condiments will only ever comingle upon my instruction, and only with my preferred condiment brands and/or flavors.

In the absence of Christopher Lee and Iain Richardson, I approve this casting.