Lord John Whorfin

I don’t know if you are serious or not, but Youtube definitely doesn’t need comment sections. What possible benefit does the comment section on youtube have for watching Conan O’Brien clips.

Reddit first

Agreed; and let’s start with Twitter.  Jesus Christ, what a cesspool.

... I’d be so much more productive if there were no comments on the Internet.

No, back then you had to be the right kind of white. Drumpf was not it. And it burns him up to this day.

Older eggs peel easier than fresh ones.  So use a dozen that are a week or so old.

Starred for informing me of this version. I have now bought the CD, as it includes a bunch of other worthwhile material. (Who wouldn’t be curious about the Dickies covering Nellie the Elephant?)

Thank you, this is my favorite version :D

the millennial-focused subscription toothbrush company“

By the way, Lord John (with the Max Headroom avatar) There’s at least two other Red Lectroid’s around here...

I was also wondering about making them yourself? You can buy a ~30-pack of wanton wrappers in our local grocery store, which means you’re left with just the filling to figure out (and that weird shaped pattern on top).  It can’t be that hard, can it?  (famous last words)

All fair points. My biggest beefs with The Wall are:

They didn’t fight. They were all yellow.

No, it isn’t shade! And there are also several typos. This is my favorite website but the editing is atrocious. Every article has at least one glaring typo that jars me out of the reading experience.

I would like a Judge Brown ruling as well, but I’m leaning shade since it’s an oblique reference to the lighting malfuction during the presser yesterday

Yep, he’s a narcissist and Gaslighter-in-Chief

Would be cool if all or almost all black NFL players remained in the locker room for the anthem the rest of the season. Fixed that for ya.

Would be cool if all or almost all black NFL players remained in the locker room for the anthem game/season.

Seriously awesome meat there. Though they did do a bit of a refresh on the decor a while ago. I think it involved using 40 watt light bulbs instead of 25 watt. I can actually see my plate now, which just makes me eat faster.