Lord John Whorfin

They didn’t fight. They were all yellow.

No, it isn’t shade! And there are also several typos. This is my favorite website but the editing is atrocious. Every article has at least one glaring typo that jars me out of the reading experience.

I would like a Judge Brown ruling as well, but I’m leaning shade since it’s an oblique reference to the lighting malfuction during the presser yesterday

Yep, he’s a narcissist and Gaslighter-in-Chief

Would be cool if all or almost all black NFL players remained in the locker room for the anthem the rest of the season. Fixed that for ya.

Would be cool if all or almost all black NFL players remained in the locker room for the anthem game/season.

Seriously awesome meat there. Though they did do a bit of a refresh on the decor a while ago. I think it involved using 40 watt light bulbs instead of 25 watt. I can actually see my plate now, which just makes me eat faster.

Haha! Yes!

Leopards weren’t supposed to eat MY face.

Never forget. 

Have him thrown in The Tower and forget about him.

Unfortunately, he’s going to get on like a dumpster on fire with Crazy Phil!


“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.” -Chinese Proverb

I think the real reason veganism hasn’t taken off is that human beings find food derived from animals to be very tasty.

It’s like, how much less “All Star” could this be? And the answer is none. None less “All Star.”

So, what you’re saying is that, in a certain sense, “All Star” is... perfect?

It’s an indicator that sometimes a thing can only be one thing.

All-Star is curiously unchanged. I mean, yes, it’s certainly altered, and takes half the time, but its essential Smashmouthness of it all survives perfectly in tact. It neither loses nor gains anything except duration.