
There is no good position for Hillary on this. I am always and forever With Her, but this is tone deaf. She should just say nothing, the issues for her are complex: defend your husband v. acknowledge the power dynamic at play; evolve your view with the on-going conversation v. be labeled a flip-flopper or too little,

Wow! Very heist! Much impressed! Wow!

So if someone made a movie about Brangelina’s break-up and portrayed Angie as a malnourished hollowed-eyed she-devil bent on ruining perpetually stoned/drunk erratic blonde Brad, wouldn’t they have a case for slander or something? I mean just because Feud takes place in an era when the Lindbergh baby was probably

I hope the feminists are taking over. These fragile boys have shown how the smallest things can upset their whole lives. Poor babies.

I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.

Your illustrator is too good for this place.

Burning Questions: We go to the locker room, so you don’t have to!

Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

Dear Seth MacFarlane,

Fuck Family Guy and its barrage of racist, misogynist and classist jokes. If this is all we’ve got left to cherish as far as pop culture goes we might as well all just give up.

Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...

She was in custody and they are having sex with her. Regardless, this is an issue. The very base of this. Why are cops having sex with women in custody?! Then, add in that it was not consensual. Then, add in that she was a teen. So, their very argument is a problem. I am going to venture that there is a legality issue

Just like child rape, there is only one valid defense to having sex with someone in police custody -

I’ve tried for YEARS to find the episode where Jamie and Paul fight because it was the most real thing that show ever did, but no luck. YouTube had the first two parts, but somehow the actual fight wasn’t uploaded. Ughhhhh.

Anyone who saw the execrable “Sex and the City 2" has to know Cattrall is doing the right thing (not just for herself but for her castmates as well).

I just don’t get why all these helpful commenters looking for validation in their wokeness (on both sites, to be clear) AREN’T gray.

Regardless of whether or not one thinks (based on their viewing of Making a Murderer) that Mr. Avery killed Ms. Halbach, it is more than clear that he did not get a fair trial. I know that I shouldn’t be, but I’m astounded that injustice has once again prevailed.

I think loneliness is a bigger deal on the coasts because as a rule chit chat is not encouraged. In the Midwest you can have a 20 minute conversation about the weather or some local team. In the South they track you like a wounded animal if you don’t exchange pleasantries.

starting with The Sopranosand reaching its apex somewhere around Breaking Bad