
Great interview. But I just want to comment on that cover design/title/image. Perfection. #sojealous

Oh you thought ESPN was an honorable institution? Have you ever watched ESPN? Let me put it this way. Fox News figured out all of its tricks from ESPN. #notsurprised

Gage is so spectacularly mediocre. She is bathos personified. In short, she is the reincarnation of Elton John (yes, I know he isn’t “dead” yet.)

You really wanna pick this fight, Jenner? Cuz’ even if you win, in the court of gay public opinion, you lose. And that is not a demographic you can afford to alienate.

John Corbett (correct me if I’m wrong) got his big break on “Northern Exposure.” He was the straight girl’s fantasy- sensitive, but kinda rugged (living in Alaska.) This means he never had to play to the gays. Chris Noth has always been (even when he was younger) a hot daddy. A great deal of his success has been based

Every Oscars is a snooze fest. Which Oscars are you comparing this to? Because, umm, you are wrong.

Yeah I imagine the Olsen Twins casually seeing this, smirking, and then lighting blunts cigarettes as they hob nob with the French elite or whatever.

It’s this type of stuff that turns people against Hillary. Last month, I was fairly certain I was voting for Hillary. Then the venom came out after Iowa and New Hampshire. I’ll still vote for her if she gets the nomination. But I’m now hoping that Bernie gets it.

No it isn’t easier in the private sector. They just promote the offender (which then makes it harder to fire them.)

“ The real word/road rules circle jerk was my first real exposure to it.”

I had an insight about him yesterday. Nolan is every sophomore at University of Chicago.

I’m with you. I like two Beyonce videos (Ego and Crazy in Love) and this Formation video. It is really good.

“a giant (headed person) on the Supreme Court” whose sheer wrongness on all matters “helped to shape the legal landscape” by giving sensible people a position to argue against.

Studios are convinced that audiences love stylistic homogeneity. Audiences hate stylistic homogeneity. That is my theory.

“You know how teens today love their first generation Game Boys”

“people insist upon underestimating him.”

Trying SO hard to be shocked when I googled her and found out she studied English at Yale.

Exactly the same argument.

Tricked them into what? You saw that documentary and you think he got a fair trial? I’m sorry. You are not a rational person if you think he got a fair trial.

People who think that Avery is innocent because he was a good guy are just as bad as the people who were convinced he did it because he’s a bad guy. This mob mentality is not justice.