
If woman no longer means adult human female, or if one can’t argue that women share a set of experience in this world and particular historical oppression only for having been born female, does that remove the very basis of women’s rights? Should women’s safe spaces like rape and domestic violence shelters allow

I’m disappointed that a feminist website won’t even consider a discussion about why many feminist have legitimate concerns about this.

For every dad like yours, there is a dad like mine. A manly man, who watches OANN, voted for Trump twice, and freaks out at little baby boys wearing teething necklaces, and got angry at my brother when we were little and he wanted to play Barbies with me.

I came here to say the same thing. That would be awesome if it was! 

I wonder if Ed Sheeran’s baby’s name is a nod to Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials? 

My great uncle died in a gulag...and I still believe in taxes and that taxing the ultra wealthy at a higher rate could help create a more egalitarian society. 

Cool, thanks for advice Ivanka. My husband, who lost his job in all this, has applied to 2-3 jobs a week for the past month and no bits yet. He is starting to feel kind of depressed, but I will just tell him this slice of valuable advice! J/K Fuck off Ivanka, you evil, evil bitch.

This 150%.

1. “We’re not ready for that yet.”....Shake my damn head. What a bigoted P.O.S. Her company is worth $25+million. I would love to see her step down and donate millions towards racial justice, the environment, and education.

Love Tavi for this. Drag her ass...and all her complicit filthy rich friends. Scum o’ the Earth that lot. 

My biggest take away is that these people all abuse animals and people don’t seem to give a shit about blatant animal abuse. It is so horrible and sad

Yes, but also who gives a shit. Not your baby, not your problem. 

Glad to hear you aren’t sacrificing your coffee, being a new mama is hard enough!

You can have coffee when your breastfeeding....I had my daily morning coffee when breastfeeding and pregnant and my kid is 110% fine.

Have you ever given birth? Just curious. I can’t imagine what giving birth would be like with no one I know in the room with me. Mom, sister, friend, partners...no one but a stranger. How awful. Truly awful.

My heart goes out to all the mama’s going into the birth experience alone. How scary. I hope that the hospital allows L&D nurses to really be there and help them out! Giving birth was the most difficult/traumatic experience of my life to date and having loved ones and nurses there coaching ,cheering me on, and