
This whole thing better go somewhere good because i’m watching faithfully and I barely understand what’s happening. I feel like i’m learning algebra— as soon as I sort of understand ..there is some new wtf the next day. And after all that bullshit have I ever used it in life?? N.O.

What are you even talking about? She’s a vegan cyberhippie and he’s a money hungry capitalist. That’s seems a wee bit more notable than both understanding the same joke. You’re insane.

21 year old me would be shocked—SHOCKED—that I’m saying this, but of course Leonardo has no problem with Tarantino’s mistreatment of women. He’s a card-carrying member of the “Women As Second Class Citizens...When They Aren’t Outright Objects” club.

Not sure I get the backlash either: the 2017 movie that was acclaimed as practically the biggest feminist step since women’s voting... cast a slim, physically perfect former model, without any OMG-ugly-manly muscles, whose armor was always cleaner and shinier than that the rest of the Amazons, who wore just the

Grenier can sometimes be a self-important jerk, but I agree with his take on plastic straws. His addressing dangerous levels of pollution does not mean racism is less important than environmental protections.

It’s only a cesspool because selfish people like you can’t understand anything beyond their vacation.

True progressives do not overtly enrich regressives such as Coachella’s Philip Anschutz. What was Beyonce thinking? Only about money, obviously. There’s a problem behind Jezebel’s apparent blind adulation for Beyonce.

THANK YOU! I wanted to write this, but I didn’t want a pile on....

I love that she donates money and stuff, but I hate that she made millions for a right wing anti LGBT millionaire by being at Coachella. If she vocally shot him down on stage (although she probably could cause a riot if she wanted) when performing I would have been felt cool about though.

I hate Andy Cohen. Don’t know if that’s a popular or unpopular opinion, but it’s in my soul and I must share it.

RE: the photo at the top of the post.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: my Purge would consist of robbing a Sephora, hitting the pet store, and spending the next 11 hours in my jammies, rolling in a pile of puppies, and watching YouTube makeup tutorials.

I read the piece. So here’s my question: What’s the solution?

Maybe you could lie to a Pregnancy Crisis Center and tell them you’re thinking of abortion? That’s the grift I would try if I was pregnant.

Random tips-
1. Shop around for daycare. All the stuff online says you need Montessori or whatever from day 1 or your kid is screwed. They spend the first 3 years playing. Anything that fits your work hours and is safe is good. I love my daycare and they are $400/cheaper than the big box fancy guys.
2. Diapers- if you

I feel like I should like this show but I’ve never been able to get past about 7 minutes of the first episode. Anyone out there love it now after not being able to get into it?

I love how utterly, painfully obvious these scumsucking goatlickers are about their corruption. They act like villains from Captain Planet.

The constant barrage of roughly 200 boats and 4,000 visitors every single day has exhausted the local coral reefs.

They are asserting that Libertarianism is nonsensical by nature, as it presumes that A) Everyone can take care of themselves without assistance, and B) That those who can take care of themselves won’t use that advantage to disenfranchise everyone else... hence the inevitability of a warlord, or oligarch, or whatever

This is the future Libertarians want.