
Shit, we have effective vaccines and the pandemic is surging again! What the ever loving fuck?!

So, lately my depression has ramped...up?...down? Whatever. I had to see my doctor for a medical issue recently and they always make me fill out the depression scorecard sheet. Apparently my score caused her to enter the room and ask if I felt like I need to go to the hospital. I thought she meant for the medical

So another week of feeling not great, I made an appointment to talk about antidepressants which.... I hope I get because this is getting old. I celebrated my birthday quietly with takeout and cheap cake by myself on wednesday, I didn’t leave because of more heatwave issues and not being paid despite talking to

Im totally basing this on my experience with one of my exes BUT I feel like whole long hair thing often stems from a need for control over SOMETHING. My ex would get depressed or worse when he was feeling guilty over cheating on me and start just letting his hair grow long - refusing to go to the barber for ages. He

not the point, but bats have fur. 

Having been here, as I know many have, for over a decade, the drop in comments has been the one thing that has made me think about migrating elsewhere. I’m in the UK, and the article content isn’t always relevant to me, but I always want to jump to the comments. My first baby is due at the start of October, so I think

You’re missing a word in the subtitle.  An independent review found that the FBI was repeatedly that Nassar was sexually abusing young gymnasts and did not follow up should read

I don’t know why I even come here anymore.

Well fuck. Makes me wonder how good of a job the FBI is doing with the 1/6 traitors now.

Have definitely seen drop-off in comments in the past few months. By the time I get to catch up on Jez during my late lunch and evening breaks from work, there’d be 30-100+ comments on any article. Now there are many (most?) articles with single-digit or nil comments. And hell trying to keep up with rapid-fire

I’d be interested to see how that plays out. The writing here isn’t something I’d seek out normally - 70% the reason I come is to comment on stuff and read other peoples’ comments

Chrissy seems like the least cancelled cancelled person ever. 

I hate the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness”. Sure, having money doesn’t make you happy, but it does give you peace of mind knowing you’ll be able to pay your bills, rent, buy food and clothes, or anything else you need. To me, that’s happiness.

You may have a carbon monoxide leak wherever you are.

And if she’s one of the many, many people who just can’t stand to be alone with their own thoughts for any length of time, therapy is probably a really good idea.

With all that money (and friends, it appears), why doesn’t anyone tell her that the best way to get beyond this is NOT to whine about cancel culture, but to simply do some good works? Why didn’t she take the time to meet with Stodden and maybe launch an anti-bullying thing for girls? Or work with teens “in trouble”

She went from “lucky enough to be held accountable for past gross behavior” to “im caaaaaaaaaaancelled and depressed because no one is paying attention to me on social media, how will my THIRTY FIVE million people that follow me see what i have to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay since im caaaaaancelled.”

Seriously, what is wrong with this woman?  Why does she need attention from strangers this badly?  Doesn’t she have friends and family she can talk to or a therapist?

Allegedly, money can’t buy happiness but if I had Chrissy Teigen kind of money (and two small children) I’d fine a way to be happy. It is incredibly sad that you could go through your adult life and have all the tools of happiness at your disposal but your addiction ends up being Twitter attention.

I’ve long given up on any sensible gun safety measures in this country. When Americans saw a bunch of dead first graders in a classroom and didn't do anything about it? That's when I knew that there will never be enough people to care.