It should have been $1,200/month for the past 11 months, for a start.
It should have been $1,200/month for the past 11 months, for a start.
McConnell is doing the absolute bare minimum he thinks he can get away with to try and buy the Georgia runoff. We’ve needed on-going continuous aid that, by the way, would’ve helped people stay safer during this lil’ pandemic thing we got going on. Fucking evil poisonous turtle motherfucker.
I wonder if the possibility of retroactive pay is one of the the reasons (other than be straight up assholes) the Repubs want to cut PUA in half?
I hate Murdoch as much as the next person on this site, but the elderly should absolutely be at the front of the line, right up there with essential workers.
I know I’m way down on the list, but I’m really hoping my sister (nurse) will get vaccinated soon. Not just for herself, but all the anxiety she takes on trying to raise and now teach her kids has made everyone in her family constantly on edge. I hope to see her face relax again and have more smiles on my nieces…
So, did these chucklefucks not realize that these “Guardians” of the “Space Force” would literally be guardians of the galaxy, or did they totally realize that and decided it would be cool to rip off the name of a superhero movie franchise?
Pretty sure this was an intentional coded message to Qanonboy or some shit....
I’m so excited! I thought since I’m not working at the testing site any more (I know so much more noses than I ever thought I would) I would be very far down the list for a vaccine, but I’m scheduled for 9:40 am on Monday!
I used to think that, but the dudes around here tell me it's very typical.
Speaking of taking responsibility...
I kind of have to think he’s into pain.
Not cool. Some of us are very pro-Pete. His acting in Big Time Adolescence was really solid.
Hey! I always look forward to seeing Pete. He has a weird unexplainable charisma, and I def have a soft spot for him - but since I’m many, many years older I mostly want to fix him a snack, ask how his therapy is going, and counsel him about his life choices.
I think the fact that Jezebel is scanning The Daily Caller and Ben Shapiro’s output for story leads is also a major red flag here today.
I’d say that situation is when it’s directed at an evil, racist, bigotted, self-serving rapist and thief, who has negatively effected (talk about an understatement!) a great number of people around the world.
And brags about it.
I realize my opinion is not popular here, and if it was anyone else I would be outraged,…
I’d settle for requiring every member of Congress to submit to a through FBI background check, including financials. IF they pass the background check, then they have to take the new citizenship test.