I think that Alex Roldan, Kris’ hairdresser is Khloe’s dad. I mean, the resemblance is pretty strong:
I think that Alex Roldan, Kris’ hairdresser is Khloe’s dad. I mean, the resemblance is pretty strong:
This will definitely happen, every scumbag in his flabby orbit is going to attempt to cash in as the Trumptanic sinks to the bottom. “Hedging My Bets...Trump’s Landscaper Speaks Out”.
Don’t insult herpes by comparing it to these people. Surely herpes causes far less harm to humanity.
Are we REALLY still doing “the two parties are all just as bad as each other”? After 250,000 bodies hit the floor? After over 600 children disappeared in Trump’s concentration camps? After Trump funneled millions of dollars from the federal government directly into his own pockets through shady ‘expenses’ at his own…
I’m in the same boat. Would LOVE to have my comment shoved in my face when Biden is sworn in.
“That’s pathetic enough, and deeply embarrassing for the world’s oldest republic.”
Are you kidding? Of course it still exists. It’s not about Trump. Trump was just a catalyst. And all this hullabaloo over election fraud is not so they can actually flip the results, it’s to set the ground for claiming that Biden is illegitimate and set fire under their base for the next 4 years.
Further than that. This has been the GOP playbook since a piece of shit by the name of Gingrich decided they would win at any cost.
Happy Belated and thank you for posting this glorious recipe!
71 million lumpen voted for him. 70% of Republicans believe the election wasn’t free and fair. You’re right, there’s no reason to concede. He’s got a good con going.
I’ve been eating this comment all evening, but decided to post it, cause hey, so what if I look like a fool? So, so happy to be wrong here and called out later for overreacting.
h a p p y b i r t h d a y ! ! ! !
He shouldn’t have won the 2016 election.
It is a life shortening, pounds adding concoction that you will swoon for.
They are absolutely willing to see the entire country burn to the ground to spite their political enemies. It’s a scorched earth policy that they know they can’t properly benefit from in any sensible way, which they are fine with because that is not the point.
In jail.
I wish I never saw another Kardashian headline in my life. They seem even more irrelevant than ever, if possible.
!!! We have pretty much given up on 2020. But Patti LaBelle’s son being a misogynist and a self hating gay black man is a bridge too damn far.
“What Trump built in 4 years, Biden will destroy in 4 months.”