
Here's the thing: You got Trump’s vision of the future. You should be horrified.

Hope the Proud Boys know that Smith and Wesson and Glock will sell a weapon to anyone, even a black man with extensive training. Think I’m kidding, try to intimidate me at the polls. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to vote and if you try anything stupid, I will defend myself and my fellow citizens.

You couldn’t hear Biden with Trump talking over him the whole time. He did try to lay out his plans.

It’s his job to make sure the participants adhere to the rules

This wasn’t a debate. This was a joke. Chris Wallace is a joke.

Narrator: The election will not be in serious dispute come January 6, 2021.

God election night is going to be such a shit show. I have no idea what I’m going to do. After 2016, I vowed to never watch election returns again because I don’t ever want to repeat experiencing the drip drip drip of traumatic news that we had in 2016. Pre-covid I had thought I’d just go see a movie, go out for


I want everyone in this country to just pay $750 in income taxes this next year, as a form of protest. 

“He’s smart enough to manipulate the tax code”

My thought was, “In what decade?!?”

Brian Stelter of CNN says this is the biggest news story of the last five years.

“$750 might be a rent payment”

He ran for president to keep himself from declaring another bankruptcy. Think about that. That’s it. That’s the entire Trump presidency. It was literally yet another way to shirk responsibility. And he wants to STAY president, because the IRS is still very much on his heels.

Game, set, match.

Please God, let him have to pay the hundred million he scammed by saving fifty.

Maybe if we made fruit & vegetables (aka “specialty crops”) eligible for the Farm Bill so those crops could be subsidized the same way that us taxpayers fund $13.9B of corn and soy every year, THEN the market would be the level playing field it would need to be for market demand to tilt away from highly processed

That Venn diagram is a circle, my friend.