
I’m calling the jokes bad because he’s basically exploiting poor people for the sake of a joke.

Milo dates black guys, GTFOH.

I think people just hate things. Which is fine, but saying you can’t stand her cause she’s dull, is pretty ridiculous.

I wish people like you didn’t exist.

You actually gave no insight to why his joke “failed”. Saying that Youtubers don’t know how to deliver a joke correctly is not true at all.

Jalopnik was covering the Muslim Taxi strike. As long as it can slightly fit they will post it.

His video is a comedy sketch. He’s making videos for people to laugh at. If he got on twitter and said death to all jews, yes that just making racist comments. Making a video about how people will do anything for 5 dollars is way different.

So fucking lame.

That makes no sense. You still know that they aren’t racist or anti-semites. So if the joke doesn’t land or isn’t funny, he’s automatically a racist. But if the joke was funny, he’s not racist. That’s so fucking stupid.

Go watch the video again, he rips it out of her hands. Just stop, save any form of dignity you have left.

Laughter is a sign of not knowing what the fuck to say next.

Getting upset by something someone said is the definition of being a snowflake. Being PC isn’t even possible. It’s like using the term YOLO, it makes no sense.

No, people need to stop being so sensitive. There are countless Movies, songs, stand up, jokes all revolving around anti-semitic and racist themes. Yet one guy says death to all jews as a joke and everyone loses their shit. If this was part of a comedy sketch people wouldn’t even flinch.

It’s hardly mocking at times. I’ve seen plenty of people referring to him as Hitler, so what’s really the difference. People are so fucking sensitive. If a comedian said death to all jews during stand up, the backlash wouldn’t even exist.

Now playing

He seemed pretty surprised to me. Also says sorry he didn’t think they would do it and feels responsible @ 12:14

Um, Jews are not a race lol. Everything you wrote means absolutely nothing now.

Yea I actually watched the original video and was pretty funny. If you take it out of context it’s one thing, but he genuinely was joking and surprised they wrote it.

Just because something is popular dosn’t make it album of the year. The problem with the grammys, is that’s their rating system. Who’s the biggest musicians releasing music, they get nominated. At least the oscars try and include lesser know movies and performances. This is just pandering the greatest common

Playing devils advocate, but you can kind of spin that around the other way to. If it’s just a place to go defecate, if you’re trans why not use the bathroom they want you to use. It’s stupid on both sides.

Felix made a follow up video to this and their apology was written pretty well. I think they new what they were saying.