
Seriously, just charge more and let them go themselves.

I’d hope the guy would pay for the kid if he wanted you to keep it. That’s a weird way of guilting someone.

*District 9 horn* Inception just brought the horn to the masses.

What? You’re defending a Douche. God the irony.

What are you defending here? The person misread (prob didn’t even read the article) and called Brie covered Baboon. Then was a condescending bitch to the person who let them know that he did log off his phone and they misread the article.

I wish people like you never existed.

Let’s lump everyone in to one group and judge everyone in said group exactly the same. Let me try. All atheists are assholes. Did I do good?

Lmao, it’s a hand warmer.

Oh God. Is this the only way Ceelo can stay relevant?

Yea, but it makes sense. Infinity Ward will begin their next COD soon and a fresh team is a great idea.

I’ve always thought this with every president.

I’d say that IW could have gotten put out of rotation. Hopefully Sledgehammer will switch things up.

A lot of the hate was that and jetpack/booster.

It was just the “cool” thing to do. They did a lot of stuff right. Multiplayer has a boots on the ground variant (can still wall run), but at least they tried to meet people half way.

Civil rights are for citizens.

Because Uber was on Trumps board and that makes them shitty. Jalopnik only chooses write articles that are negative against Uber.


Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.

The irony of that song is ridiculous on so many levels.

It’s a business. Getting rid of their surcharge was a benefit for their customers. Why should they have to pay more money, because theirs a strike? Instead people lose their shit and jump to conclusions. If you really think they are assholes for continuing their services and not wanting to protest, I would have to