Farewell, My LeBroncubine

You missed one:

I am an athiest so don't have a valid opinion. But it seems like this Pope is Pope-in' the hell out of his job—and the world has needed a good Pope-in'.


The front will be bare, for now.

Anyhoo, now that everyone has had their fun at your relying on a 10 year old poll and some minor surveys, let's talk about how none of it matters. Today's opinion nails exactly why:

Jesus, you're dumb.

1. Not a poll, talked to about three people.

Yes, and whose fault was it? OBAMA'S. Oh wait...Bush signed that agreement in 2008 to get our troops out.

First of all, the survey was conducted over 10 years ago — they began calling in October of 2003. I'm not sure how you can claim that's relevant or valid to today's conversation.

Or how about nothing to do with us? We are just people. We aren't "noble savages", "warriors", or any of the other stereotypical bullshit that white folks hang on us. We are not mascots. And I really wish drunken fans would stop with the phony "Indian chants", "war whoops", and "tomahawk chops." It's insulting and it

If only Dolphins could speak English? What would they say about Miami's mascot, and their hero Dan Marine-O?

Did you know that there never was a cherry tree. And George Washington really did tell lies?

It's the obvious option. "Washington Warriors" sounds catchy, it still has that fighting feel, and it would be easy to update the fight song, which has already been changed to be less offensive before now, so why argue about modernizing it again now.

compromise: name it the braves and just preteen it's a francis Scott key reference

The Chiefs are a weird case since they are named after the former mayor of KC but then use the arrowhead symbol and call their stadium arrowhead. That legal battle will be neat to watch (if you are into court battles)

I'm partial to the name Renegades myself.

Red Tails. It will work with their song still, it's honoring a minority group instead of disparaging one, and it associates the team with government, being in DC and all.