Farewell, My LeBroncubine

I type. I think my last eye test had me at 20/400. So everyone's really attractive!

Don't sleep on Baltimore. They have a history of playing all manner of big time matches at M&T, soccer pitches fit there, and in the summer, the Ravens don't mind putting down turf. Add ample parking and transport links all up and down the northeast, and it gets the nod over FedEx (also problematic: Redskins) and

PLEASE DON'T USE FEDEX FIELD. DC traffic sucks as it is.

This is LITERALLY, the definition of racism. You want to judge players not based on the their playing ability but based on their race. THAT is racism. That's what people are talking about, when they say the word racism.

THIS. Nobody wants to ride out to suburban fucking Maryland.


what's wrong with Baltimore being a host city, hon

What about Baltimore? M&T Bank Stadium has hosted soccer matches before. Great stadium. 75,000+ can fit in there.

This is the "Pessimists View" of the match from yesterday. I thought the US defended their box really well, and while yes Beasley didn't look good, the goal the US allowed didn't come from his side of the pitch. They also took their chances when they came, which are both things the US usually doesn't do that well.

Beer blogs have been going nuts over this idiot. Every beer nerd, despite their massive distaste for the big brewers, already knew what was in Bud. Everything she freaked out about is used in the process, but isn't an actual ingredient. Isinglass? A filtering agent. Glycerol? Used as a refrigerant for maintaining the

Deadspin should not promote racism. Segregating people of color from white leagues is wrong. There should be no "All Blacks" or "All Whites." Each team should have a myriad of races, ethnicities, genders, etc. We are all equal.

suck it sucker haters- the whole play from the pass to the header was something more incredible than you'll see in the Big 3 American sports.

Greg's missing the real villain here—-black people and hip-hop culture.

so basically, you got to make a consequence free racist joke by inventing a hypothetical situation where people who don't exist on twitter are making the said racist joke.

i feel like the rule of thumb when there has been a foul, especially in the box, should be:

Right but the best part was what Fred Said during post-match comments:

There is zero reason this shouldn't have already happened lest they think it's part of the game and should be.

As a fan of the game, that's irritating. Diving has become a cancer & I can't blame a casual fan, or non-soccer fan, turning that on & then deciding not to watch anymore because of it. That should be reviewable post-game & Fred should be suspended for at least a game. That garbage would stop. At this point, I'm

I know FIFA is far too inept for this to ever happen, but they need to start giving out yellow cards for dives after the fact. It's pretty clear that the Brazilians have no shame about flopping (or anything...this is the country that gave us the man-thong after all), but maybe after half the team goes into the next

Eh. I didn't want a sequel. I was hoping Frank Miller would fall off the face of the earth instead.