Farewell, My LeBroncubine

Wait, you mean instead of asking my guests for money I should just plan a wedding I can actually afford?! Witchery! Who would even have thought of that!

Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2

"You may have your Sybian, your vibrator, your Fleshlight—you may have your electric ball tickler, your non-natal breast pump, your robot hand—you may have your washing machines, your vibrating mattresses, your Shop Vacs—you may have your fat-guy belly-shaking weight belt things, your lubricated Bunsen burners, your

I'm calling it right now: the title tussle is in North London.

This, I'll never get. The more the future Ms. LeBroncubine is successful, the happier she is, and the happier she is, the happier I am for her.

how far do young women need to go placate a partner who secretly seethes inside when she shines

Tragic losers don't understand it's the ideas put in place by the patriarchy, not feminism that makes them miserable.

I enjoy the Giants being awful, too, though.

The Steelers being awful is my favorite thing of this NFL season.

Do you realize you wrote "It's Jim Harbaugh. Guy's Jim Harbaugh" Seems redundant.

This is hardly a surprise. At Oregon, Kelly didn't bother to learn all the NCAA rules either.

I'm going to assume this isn't a serious question.

Oh, Lindy, I'm so proud of you and your whiteness and open mindedness.

I've always thought that Lil Debbie would be the breakout star of the WGP.

I'm so happy that she's still trying.

Where's my godamn Nazi Shark?

It'll be interesting to see how Ozil adapts to the English style of play and how much his playmaking ability might suffer going from a world class midfield, surrounded by Alonso, Ronaldo, di Maria, Benzema, and Higuain, to feeding his creative passes to Giroud and Walcott. Could be a long season for him

Call me a cynic if you absolutely must but something tells me that the people who had a problem with the Cheerios commercial are going to have less of a problem with an interracial couple when it's a white man and asian woman than they did with a black man and white woman.

What is Deadspin's policy?

For people who write so much about this specific nickname change, maybe you guys should follow suit.