Farewell, My LeBroncubine

I'd rather be the politician that let the NFL team go than the one who authorized a half-billion dollars be given to a billionaire.

It would be a terrible blow for Rams fans, but I hope St Louis tells them to fuck right off.

I can't think of anything more humiliating to my beloved chicken-mascot club. :(

Jesus, is this Al Davis spawn?

The only solution is to get rid of the draft. The draft was created to give low-performing teams access to better-rated talent.

Far be it from me to question the applicability of this test, as I do not want to be alarmist, but show me a storm that slowly bends the wing over several minutes.

It's gotta be worth it at this point.

that would be Super-Spursy.

I swing my fiery sword

I'd rather see a half-assed Devil's Advocate speech.

Did someone say moar realignment?

This is still the best "slipped one by the censors" joke in the history of broadcast sitcoms.

National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

Gruden must by now realize what a galactic shitshow it is inside the Washington organization. He can now save face by benching RGIII, and then if the owner comes back around to say you have to start him, Gruden can resign on principle.

I wonder if 6-10 or even 5-11 will make the playoffs this year.

Apple won't. They don't seem to do a whole lot of branding that isn't Apple, for Apple, the major exception being the ads of telecoms using the iPhone as the centerpiece of the campaign.

Do you even know what self-aware means?

I'm ugly. My girlfriend is decidedly not.

1 - I took it exactly as it was written. Don't blame your inability articulate your thoughts on me, dumbo.