
instant on? if it does that as well as any other tablet that's good enough reason. even a laptop with an ssd doesn't turn on that fast. for me i need something to read technical pdfs while stopped at a red light, for example. a laptop is too unwieldy for that purpose and even my transformer prime isn't very good

that pic should be labelled "nsfw"

meh, i have no moral objection to breaking such a law. i've had booze before i turned 21 as well.

hahaha, that's great! never saw that before.

Directors direct. they don't (usually) write the screenplays nor design the sets. so it's possible to steal an idea from a movie he directed.

when you write articles about stuff like this, it's not necessary to state that the creator is japanese. it's pretty much assumed.

Enhance your calm, Esther Inglis-Arkell

does this mean there will be only one difficulty setting?

they're probably already all bought up by the same jerks who always buy just to turn em over for a profit.

agree, salvation was just terrible; so bad that i won't even give T5 a viewing. hopefully the conan movie will be good.

do japanese kids have spongebob and dora the explorer?

uhoh, i'm screwed... i'm an a$$man myself.

"p.s. If you take this seriously, you are an idiot and you should go stick your head up some dark hole"

ok, how the heck does the cop at 0:26 fall?? that wasn't even a segway; it was a 3-wheeler for crying out loud! what a doofus.

if her mom is a good cook, count me in! oh wait, you have to be female - is that legal?

you know - sony is going to take an xbox720 to a small shop where they can exchange it for a little cash when they're down on their luck.

just think how much he would have aged had he been under the stress of being unemployed for the past 5 years instead of having steady employment with a very nice salary.

while i believe that sometime in the distant future we will be able to re-animate a dead brain, it won't matter because our consciousness is more than just active neurons. they may bring back her brain, but it won't be kim suozzi anymore and i think people like her hope they'll be the same "person" but they won't.

wow, that's quite an exposition. are you an expert in literature? i do admit one of my favorite scenes is the exchange between hamlet and ophelia when he asks if he could rest his head in her lap and i believe there is a play on the word "country"

you might wanna change that last name to something more appropriate to your (lack of) intelligence