
can i use this to check if knights actually said "f**k" and "c**t" like they do in Game of Thrones?

you lucky @#$%!$ i'm in suburban chicago and can't get affordable service with that kind of speed. how come you're in the middle of nowhere and get that? not fair!

Anyone remember the movie "The Hunted" with Christopher Lambert? Joan Chen says, "I wish to die slowly and with great pain & suffering so that I do not forget what it was to live." How do we know the crab doesn't share the same philosophy?

um, i dont really see why any gay man should hold back his reaction to vagina in order to spare your feelings.

Great movie and great scene. haha!

stupidest. thing. ever. vaginas are beautiful (and yummy) just the way they are.

Remember that giz post from a months back about how much water there is on earth compared to the actual mass of the earth? there really isn't that much...

there's no such thing as irreversible brain death. brain death is death.

haha. question is, how'd you get out?

how does one "drive" a train? it's on tracks - after you turn it on, isn't it pretty much "forwards" or "backwards?"

even mr. limpet?

i wish i could wave my hands and have a pussy in them just like that...

they were horrified? how ridiculous. maybe the snake died exactly how it wanted to.

you're thinking from the perspective of someone who can only afford one device.

confused...why the f would he want the "thief" to know where he lives and deliberately invite him there? if you ask me, they're both stupid as sh*t.

you don't have to imagine it. if you follow the link, there's a spotmap for moonrise kingdom. and he'll probably eventually get around to the others.

<—- Fingers crossed once again for a Killer Instinct reboot as a launch title.

how would these have looked different if you had told me it was a naked man? i see nothing that looks like p, t, nor a.

cuz that woulda been gay. how is the question interesting?