
so the vast majority of scientists are disdainful of their theory? gee, that's never happened to a theory before in all of history. it's stupid to prematurely dismiss any theory. how do we even know that consciousness CAN be explained?

Oh great, now there needs to be an ERB Tesla vs Tesla.

was that title meant as an homage to william carlos williams? wonderful poet.

wait, is that for real?? it's so...grotesque.

jenny agutter...mmm... she was quite nice looking in american werewolf as well.

pickpockets?? geez, where do you live? i have NEVER once been pickpocketed or even had an attempt made at it...so it's usually not a concern for me when shopping for wallets.

i would drink it, too. then i could claim to have experienced something that only one other person on this entire planet has also. how many people can say that?

wait, since the robot was mirroring the human's motions, shouldn't it have gone flying backwards as well?

yes, but would it hurt?

oh, great. now i can get rejected by virtual girls in addition to the real ones.

indeed. it is a touch disturbing but worth a watch.

hmm, it's been a while since i saw it but i think she was actually grown up and at least 18 y/o by that point.

i would like to revise your caution to: "don't fuck the mutant monkey girl who also happens to be your daughter."

why i'm getting both: because i can and i want to.

probably not - there really are not too many different variations for that sort of thing.

forget that - love doll manufacturers should hire them. um, my interest is just academic, of course...

wait, with all the tech and crunching power we have at our disposal now, the best they can come up with is 25% reduction in noise? that actually doesn't sound like much...

Humans dont really have defense mechanisms b/c we dont need them - we ARE the top predator

actually, he was not directly killed by his invention. he kills himself.

Do these people feel pain?