No, sorry. Blah doesn't cut it. I don't settle for mediocrity and neither should my kids. I don't care about the money spent on buying the ticket, but it was a regrettable loss of 2 hours of my life.
No, sorry. Blah doesn't cut it. I don't settle for mediocrity and neither should my kids. I don't care about the money spent on buying the ticket, but it was a regrettable loss of 2 hours of my life.
Kid?? That guy must be at least 40 years old!
because it's dependent on context - in this case, her race is irrelevant. it's no different than if the article lauded her for learning how to boil an egg. would you have said "and she's black!"? of course not, that would sound ridiculous. how is programming different than boiling an egg?
+1. i understand where ariahead is coming from, but if one wants people to be truly colorblind, don't bring attention to the fact that she's black.
i see they, too, employ a clever chocolate-saving technique.
never be disappointed in another man's package.
+1000000 to the tenth power
ugh those are some ugly models. does anybody find those women attractive?
it's not just sex that is over-indulged leading to marital infidelity. the problem is a combination of abundance and lack of discipline. obesity is an epidemic for similar reasons as well as probably the state of our economy; people living beyond their means because they consume everything. most people are…
um, but it's not pure nacl. is the fishbone composition fully digestible - it won't leave residue sitting in my colon for years will it?
a woman's definition of creep: any guy who talks to her whom she does not find physically attractive.
does this mean there will be only one difficulty setting?
if her mom is a good cook, count me in! oh wait, you have to be female - is that legal?
um, i dont really see why any gay man should hold back his reaction to vagina in order to spare your feelings.
stupidest. thing. ever. vaginas are beautiful (and yummy) just the way they are.
confused...why the f would he want the "thief" to know where he lives and deliberately invite him there? if you ask me, they're both stupid as sh*t.
cuz that woulda been gay. how is the question interesting?
well, duh. who wants to watch crap that's realistic? i have real life for that.
yes, i'm sure. i never said it wasn't manly nor that it wasn't bold. just in comparison to baumgartner's jump, it doesn't have the same WOW factor.
well, i just thought to myself which would make for a better for a better pick-up line: