
Can you just eat the marshmallows straight? i mean i know you CAN, but are they good? $7.50 is kinda harsh for 16 marshmallows so i'd rather just savor them unadulterated.


it's actually not a generalization. anyone who gets CAUGHT at their crime is by definition dumb. the smart ones never get caught. so, if you are a prisoner, you are dumb. if you are living free but have committed a crime no one knows about, you are smart. therefore, "dumb prisoner" is redundant. qed.

"dumb prisoner" is redundant. anyone stupid enough to commit a crime (or at least get caught for it) is already dumb.

Late 30s same as you. Agree that the original Deus Ex was a great game. maybe you've hit on the reason. so it's ok to not feel bad for not liking bioshock?

i know the previous bioshocks are supposed to be awesome. but twice i started bioshock 1 and both times i could not get past the first couple hours of play - i just couldn't get into the game for some reason. and i wanted to like it so bad and i usually do love games like that. i just dont understand it.

"greetings, apps" just doesn't have the same ring.

this sucks. i can't believe a lousy arachnid got to do something i will never do :(

They still make air jordans?!

man alive, dr. herbenick is a total hottie!

not really. i would think some of the pus and STD rashes would affect the taste significantly.

These kinds of lists are stupid. and people who make up such lists are stupid. different people like different types of games.

i'll give anyone as much respect as they want as long as they make GOOD games. if they make crap games, well, they deserve no respect.

i have a better idea. how about if male authors write "mankind" and female authors write "womankind?"

SIGH. Another great movie that will be ruined by un-necessary sequel.

Why do prisoners scratch the number of days on the INSIDE of the cell?

Oh why can't someone invent a Smell-O-Scope?!

your story would have been much more interesting if the two girls were hot and lost some articles of clothing during the fight. couldn't you at least have embellished it a bit like that?

that's true. only 9 idiots out of thousands who do this is not a bad percentage. in other countries, the percentage is probably much higher.

wait, your balls hurt when you look inside a vagina??