
this doesn't really mean anything since the samples were of his brain at death. too bad we couldn't see how his brain looked at birth. did his morphologically different brain give rise to his genius, or did his brain develop these characteristics over decades of solving complex problems? neurons are very plastic -

haha, nice one!

this robot is already better than the entire US men's olympic gymnastics team.

you sure giz is the right type of site for you, grandpa? go back to oldfogeys.com, GUFFAW!

Um, isn't China already considered a superpower?

So...did he still send them the video or not?

you can't kill someone by putting pressure on one side like that. try it on yourself both sides at the same time - you'll probably just blackout. this is very, very unusual in an otherwise young, healthy person. there are pressure-receptors in the carotid arteries that will cause the heart to slow down when

Cassandra Peterson is even more smoking hot without the Elvira getup. Yowza!

Aw, not florida?

God gives everybody different talents my foot! He gave some a LOT more than others...boohoo...

100 years? Even 18 months? That's ridiculously harsh. I know it's a stupid and incredibly unsafe thing to do but were these people intentionally trying to bring down planes? I liken it to a child playing with a lighter or dad's gun - they just don't know better. Prison is supposed to be punishment with the intent

"Top image: Annie Thorisdottir, winner of the 2011 and 2012 CrossFit Games, and considered the world's fittest female."

weird. i get it too. i got with half-life 2 as well and i think dishonored is very similar to that game.

Steve's no hedge fund manager - it's obvious from his charts that he tracks the price of monitors.

Or maybe it's cuz bruce willis' wife was chinese and she's his only and entire motivation in the movie?

haha +1

if you're a geek, it holds up pretty well.

oh. flick it.

yeah but if you ever check it in it's done for, with the way those luggage handlers toss that stuff around.

sorry, that is one ugly woman - makeup doesn't even help in her case. stupid kid must not have realized there are a lot of 18 yr old hotties in high school.