
wtf is wrong with you guys? you never know when one these spiders has been exposed to radiation. you're missing out on a slight chance of becoming spider-man by not letting it inhabit one of your orifices.

actually, the prosthetics give him a disadvantage. they don't provide any bio-feedback like a real limb would; they don't have muscles that respond to changes in the running surface; and they appear to have far less "spring" than an actual lower leg and probably transmit more jarring forces to his other joints. this

cuz nike only made the spikes, not the cheetah blades.

i love all kinds of games so sure, call of duty being one of them. but i would call "shadow of the colossus" a masterpiece and definitely not "heavy rain."

this question was posed on "the straight dope." interesting read: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1172/does-the-head-remain-briefly-conscious-after-decapitation

masterpiece?? hardly. story was ok but it wasn't really even a game - just press a few buttons and joystick directions to move the movie along. meh.

But, it was much redder in Total Recall. I am disappoint. OK, not really - these are awesome.

well, shoot. they wasted a lot of money hiring all those people to come up with ideas. they should have just called you.

um, i don't think i've ever seen a 10 yr old girl with a body like that. and it's not creepy for a heterosexual male to drool over an obviously arousing female body. it's completely normal and natural.

what do you mean nothing wrong with that. i can't think of any reason why a heterosexual male would wear nail polish of any color.

i can name one scene in which he's helpful: he raises luke's x-wing out of the swamp. luke woulda been stuck on dagoba if not for that. i wonder if this guy's related to sergei?

wow just like shelob and frodo.

+1. you beat me to the demolition man reference.

um...first of all this thing hasn't even been officially announced yet, so they haven't given it a name yet. secondly, remember many years ago before the xbox360 was officially named that, it was being called "xbox next?" if that's not blatantly copying microsoft's antics, i don't know anymore...

how does she even know what video games are? i thought her kind don't do anything but gymnastics all day long?

Why is medal count so important to the individual countries? they don't get anything but bragging rights, do they??

So, does azerbaijan get their money back?

Well said, sir. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

It's not really surprising. Porcelain was just ahead of its time. Many things are being made out of ceramics these days, from ball-bearings to components in high-end watches.

haha, the last 2 are great. the first 2 not so much