
Why'd they keep taking pictures for 3 months after the bike was gone?

I suspect she finally wiped all that crap off her face and he discovered the terrible secret that she's actually a man.

That IS the rest of the year, dude. The world's gonna end on 5/31.

Please dont hate me. Unfortunately, i am shall we say "height-challenged." Women dont want a guy of my height no matter how big his wallet. Why do you think i'd be spending my money on a piece of rock otherwise? If you are even average height for a guy, i would trade you my salary for your height.

I did my taxes early and oddly enough, i'm getting back just enough to buy a piece of Marsrock. But first, i wanna know what the appreciation value of it is.

When you say "you," you actually mean my children's children's children maybe, right? So it wouldn't actually be "me."

I don't think you necessarily have to be very rich to buy this, you just have to want it more than anything else. Remember the guy who sold everything to buy a lamborghini?

That better not have had my transformer prime in it!

He didn't say wookiees lived on hoth - you're just mis-interpreting what's written.

It works better if you actually get the quote right.

SIGH. I'm a God-fearing person and i'd like to believe that scumbags like this will get their punishment in the afterlife - but i don't. We need to go back to cruel and unusual forms of punishment for monsters like this; they're not human anyway.

That is shameful if you are a video gamer. Those games are works of ART. You must go out right now and buy them.

yuck...as a heterosexual male, there are few things i find less visually appealing than some dude's hairy chest.

Man, this list is for me. I sadly admit to being the poster-boy for the perpetually lonely. Anyway, I believe the Sony HMZ-T1 should be #1 on this list - i bought one for myself and it's awesome. I hate going to the movies alone and now i don't have to!

Is this the same chinese dude who does the pictures of himself breaking through skyscraper windows, etc.?

Yeah, she is hot!

"You know, there are males that love glitter and pink and flowers. And surprise, some of them are straight."

Not even as good as a Big Kahuna burger.

Um, that was sausage he was showing off in that movie, not bacon.
