Meth Lab Shenanigans II

Frank Ocean, Noted Black Dude, sampled Elliott Smith on his last album. So there!

Problematic Display
On-Line Rondo
Ordinary Speakers
Jiggling Demons
Bouncing Crisis (Remix)

Most of the time I love his lyrics, he can be brilliantly stupid in a way very few rappers can. Pablo kind of cut the brilliant and left the stupid, unfortunately.

What if Kanye was only pretending to like Trump so that he could get the gig to perform at his inauguration, and then use it to tell the world that Donald Trump doesn't care about black people?

The Republican party has gotten where it is by constructing an echo chamber for their voters. Something I hear a lot about people's pro-Trump relatives is that "they're good people, but they just believe this one crazy thing" and I think that usually that's true - the GOP's rhetoric for the last eight years has been

I think it kind of makes sense for the character. Leia grows up; Han can't.

As will their adaptation of the underrated Smashing Pumpkins album Oceania.

I think you caught him being mad on the internet about something he doesn't understand!

"middling success of Better Call Saul"

Once you go felt, you need to get heltp!

I suspect after the disastrous first few months, hating on Trump will stop being a shocking and polarizing thing and instead just sort of turn into the national pastime.

He's the Pierce of their study groups.


I can wish, can't I?

That's what I thought until Tuesday.

I didn't know you'd dealt with a heroin addiction. This was an incredibly powerful article.

2017 has the be the best year of all our lifetimes, right? That's how this works?

Look, things will get better. We are not doomed. Most millennials hate Trump, they just didn't love Clinton enough to turn out for her - a lot of people thought she wasn't left wing enough. In four years (or hopefully two years) there will be a turn in the tide. Satire survived 9/11 and all the atrocities of the Bush

Depends on what your lifetime is. Most of the people who elect these bastards into office are old.

The bright side is, he'll never be re-elected. No one actually likes him but the religious crazies.