Meth Lab Shenanigans II

I still maintain that this is part of the GOP's dying gasp. There is literally nowhere for them to go from here - they're divided and about to take all of the blame for everything that goes wrong in the next two years, with an already widely-loathed president in office. They are naked in front of the world. No one

Oh fuck.

Because, as MANIMAL said below, every week is horror week now.

Yeah, gee, why would she be scared? It's not like we just elected a narcissistic monster who brags about assaulting women to the highest office in the nation or anything.

Probably because, in all the chaos, they figured a lot of people wouldn't notice.

I still use it, but I'm thinking about changing that after this election.

Yeah, the WMD was the "pseudo" part.

I really want a documentary about all the frothing alt-right conspiracy types who have painted themselves into this position as, essentially, government propagandists now. They became exactly what they were obsessed with stopping. I wonder how many of them will realize they've been duped.

It's totally fine, I get it. I feel like absolute shit too.

Oh, man, you really take it personally, don't you?

Yeah, there's gonna be an alt-left rising up in response to the alt-right. It's our turn.

I was certain Bernie would have lost, but the fact that Trump beat Clinton makes me wonder.

I've been avoiding sleep, because with sleep comes the moment when you wake up and for a moment you don't remember and then it hits you.

This song sounds kind of apocalyptic. It does fit.

"Early" is going to sting the next time I hear it.

I think he's freaking out. A lot of people are freaking out right now.

Damn, this is really helping. Thanks.

But W had something real (or pseudo-real) to rally people around, as horrific as his actions ended up being. Trump has rallied people around nothing but spite. There is no real reason for any of it. None of their reasoning even approaches reality. It's a different universe.

Now I'm imagining the next four years as just a series of hilarious pratfalls in which Trump is publicly humiliated by everyone and their mother. Celebrity cameos every once in a while - "Bryan Cranston put banana peels on the white house floor, you won't believe what happened next!"

They are at war with themselves. Trump's a petty, stupid piece of shit. He doesn't really care about most of that stuff. He just wants to punish Paul Ryan.