
LOTR was all about the extended editions. This time round, it's about the abridged version. How sad.

With a decidedly Jean Luc Picard look about him.


So the duck is going to earth?

Love it. But eventually, the duck's gonna get bored.

Speaking of, when are we ever going to see that Spyhunter movie with The Rock?

I am not sure if that's true. When I was a student, I hardly bought any games or movies. Ever since I had a full time job, that changed dramatically.

Even if Star Trek ships had stairs, you'd rarely see them because of precious little studio space.

On a ship going faster than light - heck, on a ship going just a few dozen kilometers per second - inertial dampers better kick in a whole lot faster than "a second or two," because you're a thin smear of jelly on the wall long before then!

Right. and in the context of hopes by Britain to regain a sphere of influence in North America if it could back Confederate Independence at the same time, at issue was arguably one of the BIGGEST stakes ever - the independence of North America as a continent or its re-integration into European empires. What saved

Okay, let's do this, people.

I knew someone with the last name of Talley. He said it used to be O'Talley, but his grandfather changed it when he emigrated to America, "so's nobody'd tink oi was Oirish."

Very true, but a good critic should be able to identify a good example of a given type of film. One thing I'll miss about Roger Ebert is the fact that, especially after Siskel died, he tended to take into account the kind of film being made. Compare a Star Trek film to other ST film and other sci fi films, but don't

Also, major shoutout to amazingly bad ass Vinnie Jones, who plays King Richard's right-hand man. Even when singing and dancing a merry jig, Vinnie leaves no doubt he can and will snap your spine with just his thumb and index finger – without missing a note or step.

Yeah, it's a crazy reminder that we actually built weapons capable of obliterating civilization (and perhaps the species itself).

I think if I was alive when the nukes launched I'd chug a bunch of booze. Not the most dignified exit, but dignity is pretty moot at that point.

I didn't think it's meant to be funny. More like a plan for such an event. In any case, it was parodied a bunch of times (there's a clip of Gremlins 2 in the comments for example) to make fun of the egos of the general media. I mean, who is actually going to be watching the end of the world on tv when there's a

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karate kid as the story of that rascal johnny at cobra kai.

the legitimate game is different because the developers aren't purposefully releasing them on torrent sites. Although, I agree the value of games are at a low now and they are released far too often(across the whole industry) . I wonder if we are heading to a new video game crash. I wouldn't be surprised considering

I agree with this.

I had a similar issue on Game Dev Tycoon...