I live in Jordan, and can confirm that Wadi Rum is amazing, especially at sunrise/sunset. Would also suggest a visit to Jerash... It doesn’t get the (completely warranted) press that Petra gets, but it’s a beautiful set of ruins that you can get close and personal with, without going too far out of your way from the…
Pius Bak is a freelance illustrator, comic book artist and concept designer from Lithuania.
That’s a pretty nice salary for 10 hour work.
I hoping they re-release the Christmas Paris level, little shocked it’s not there yet. They could also spruce up Whittleton Creek with the holidays. It would be perfect to continue their Home Alone theme from Paris.
I am very impressed by the amount of content thrown into this game. At first I felt bummed that there were “only” the 6 or 7 missions, but then I tried to beat Columbia without saving for several hours on it’s own. It’s a lot to get through properly, especially if you turn off all of the hints and the x-ray vision.
Pretty sure it’s new levels but don’t quote me on that.
I believe they’ve said that the two expansions will each include one entirely new map for each, plus additional missions, weapons/tools, and another sniper assassin map too. So I would wager that beyond a new location for each one, there might be a remix or two as well for existing maps.
especially since he wasn’t aiming at them immediately.)
Yes. let us only look at games from American devs. Genius.
I’d also go in the direction of resources. If Atlus has a team of developers who are familiar with the 3DS, but not up to speed on developing for the Switch, they’re going to put them on a 3DS game. I’m sure the goal will be to eventually get everyone up to speed on the latest hardware, but sometimes you have to…
I would only add, first, that this game has been under development for years and was specifically developed for this system, and second, there’s no proof that Atlus’ core audience are switch users.
Do you have any data to support that 85% of 3DS have been mothballed and the other 15% are Pokemon only devices?
It’s Ness and Sness in the Netherlands too. It really depends on the language, on what sounds good. N.E.S. sounds good in English but wouldn’t work in Dutch.
This is where the evil corporate esports team trains while the rag tag team of good guy players train in a run down warehouse.
I want to take this song, and play it at a party to see if anyone notices and thinks theyre just having a stroke.
Is this worth it without VR?
Also, if they add DS9 DLC then I will immediately buy either way. Just putting that out there.
DEEP SPACE NINE PLEASE. I want OPs and the Defiant.
Holy shit, Julio Franco is still playing (semi-)pro baseball (in Japan).
If it takes 60 hours to get a big reveal then the game is really unnecessarily padded.