
A rich lore has nothing to do with it. Most fans only know what's going on with Thrones from what they see on TV. Any lore stuff that's in there is foreshadowed by the writers working with foreknowledge of where the books have gone, where the show will be going.

I prefer the apocalypse where everything continues on exactly like it is right now, and slowly, very slowly, we arrive at the realization that world is already over.

My Kerbals are ready and fully trained in the ARM mission.

I once translated between an American, a Sth African and a New Zealander, and at the end of the conversation one of them asked how I'd learned so many languages, and it was only then I realised they didn't know they were all speaking English.

I was once seated in a small restaurant in Italy with a group of native Russian, French, Italian, English and Hebrew speakers. The only person at the table who spoke all those languages was an Estonian opera singer, who was at one point translating five different conversations simultaneously. I think that was the

I think you have no concept of the term "carefully orchestrated publicity between two friends".

Everyone I knew had no desire for a new Fox animated family, let alone one that was poorly drawn and revolves around selling hamburgers.

Started off as a clone of Family Guy and ended up taking the reigns once Family Guy wore out its welcome.

i feel like this is our defining moment as a civilization. This is what we worked for, and it's so awe inspiring.

9. Find out how some organisms can live in space.

I was thinking...

I think the script initially had raptors getting on the ship, too.

This seems like such a noticeable glitch and it's so common that I can only come to two conclusions: 1) they knew about the glitch but either didn't care to patch it before launch or were so crunched by their deadline they couldn't work in a fix, or 2) they knew about the glitch but figured the funny media generated

I wonder if there are any rules or guidelines for air guitar aside from the lack of an instrument. This girl turns her air guitar in to samurai sword, and there are dance segments where she is not pretending to hold anything.

The biggest takeaway SHOULD be that the story matters just as much as the talent, action and visuals. But I'm sure those in charge of other properties will simply add talking animals, vegetation a quirky soundtrack or maybe double down on grimdarkserious and wonder why they can't have nice things.

Sure we do.

Men are also represented as endless waves of bullet sponges. You can't act like even the majority of males represented in games have agency, the VAST majority are nameless enemies for you to kill.

Totally. I hate it when I go visit my family in Pakistan and I can only use ONE device to watch my movies. It's like the fuckin Dark Ages over there.

Yeah, this is gonna be a fantastic weekend...

is much rather imagine the innocent naivete of 9yo Anakin than the atrocity George Lucas made of teenage/college Anakin.