
The greatest tribute the filmmakers could give Attenborough is to make a film that is good. That said, this is an awesome gesture as well :)

I first heard it as "Oh my Goddess" I was like WTF?!

Solution is fixing the shitty internet in the US.

This three minute 16 second clip conveys every thing about Robocop better than the remake did in its entire duration.

I just want to say that I love it when io9 posts questions like this one, and this is one of the toughest/most intriguing I've seen in a while.

Truth be told, my friends and I saw this coming. When you're a pre-teen child, three years might as well be three centuries, and there was no topic of discussion more important to us (except perhaps the origin of the Space Jockey, but that trailed a distant second.) We had a lot of time between Episodes 4 and 5 to

Bioshock Infinite, because the plot twists explains many of the conventions of video games we take for granted. Bioshock 1 actually pulled of the same trick in a different way with the realization that the PC does everything he's told because he's brainwashed.

It WAS twins all along...

They've already explained why the back-to-backs are happening: To avoid clashing with the start of football season, which obviously has a bigger audience then Defiance. Nothing bad, they're just being practical. And Syfy is supposed to announce renewals/cancellations this month.

GoldenEye is not an excellent game. Go replay it and have your nostalgia bored out of your skull.

Also forgot to add, this could be a cosmetologist's or plastic surgeon's wet dream to give people an instant "preview" of their "results".

Could be used to try on new outfits while in a stall at the store you're shopping from, maybe try on a new tattoo before committing. For medical, you could technically project an "x-ray" view to explain a fracture or a procedure.

theres also the Tom Cruise problem. In that Tom Cruise is a liability and not an asset when it comes to film these days

Ehhh, avatar shouldn't count. It's more like Toy Story than an actual live action film. Why not just fill the list with Pixar films instead? I feel like believability should be a core component.

You know you're evil, when other terrorist organizations denounce you as 'going to far.'

Windows 8 has been out for a while now and I can't help but continue to call it Windows 8. Even though the correct name for that operating system is "shit".

Man, resetting the comments is something that should've been done a long time ago. Would read a comment, start typing out "YOU'RE WRONG AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD" then realize the comment is like 8 months old.

Dealing with Russia for a few years is a small price to pay for energizing America's private space industry and giving them a little time to build great things. I've been truly impressed with what SpaceX has accomplished and expect we will have a strong lead in space again in the very near future.

Going to the Dallas Morning News article... they don't say nor imply "human beings" in the way the this posting does. So, the researchers aren't discounting/completely ignoring First Nations. Also, there is a depiction of Europe, starting at Zero C.E. - all roads lead to (and from) Rome basically! Finally, the