
Considering how difficult it is to keep up with design changes with the aid of computers, it is staggering to consider how it was done back when everything was ON PAPER.

Shouldn't the fake title be "The Lion of Lannister"?

This is io9, everyone here caught the latest episode of Cosmos, haha.

I thought it was pretty clear that the column of smoke was from the cabin that Daryl & Beth set ablaze, and was meant to remind us that although they're all working through their own scenarios, they're also all in relative proximity to each other in terms of time & distance.

Nah. I've seen every episode of TNG, have never read an Abrams interview in my life and despised STID.

I think you "hit the nail to the head" with this comment. :)

I can see that.

thats city hall?

He sees her as the person whom he was dreading having to tell he failed to save her boyfriend's life & she basically shrugged her shoulders & said "No biggie." He admitted to feeling guilty for losing the closest thing to family he ever had, and the way she got him to acknowledge it was extremely shitty & the initial

It wasn't until near the end of 2012 that I watched the first season, but I loved it right from "A Study in Pink". It wasn't what I expected, and I was skeptical about adapting Sherlock in a 21st century setting, but it was beyond amazing.

Best explanation I've ever read. Thanks for that.

Wow dude, that was thorough as shit. Thanks! (Not being sarcastic btw.)

Am I alone in thinking this would make a great place for a movie?

Fuckin' LOVE Crusader Kings II, though I've only played like 5 hours of the standard game. The Game of Thrones Mod that was made for it is just too damn awesome.

Yeap. Surprised it's not actually. On top of being an excellent game, it's also a very "PC" game. You won't get games like these on consoles.

The Bible does no such thing! But as you eluded too it's flawed people that use the Bible to their own means.

Cobb County, which had stickers saying "Evolution is a theory, not a fact." Creationist stuff.